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Church members prepare for annual autumn bazaar

By Lisa Scheller - | Oct 10, 2001

Following its annual tradition, members of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church Altar Society will hold its annual autumn bazaar and raffle from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday.

In addition to the customary turkey dinner with all the trimmings, and homemade items for sale, this year the ladies have teamed efforts and made a quilt that will be auctioned.

Connie Putthoff said this is the first quilt the church ladies have made in years. The last one she knew of was won in 1934 by Anna Mary Landauer, Basehor.

The quilt to be auctioned at 4 p.m. Sunday is brown and white with images of wheat.

Putthoff said Kathy Graveman bought the squares with the designs on them, which members embroidered. The quilt was pieced by Barbara Kramer, and Cindy Korb drew the quilting design on the reverse. Members who didn’t know how to quilt were taught by Korb and by a new church member, Janet Stuke, Putthoff said.

George Warren, auctioneer, will run the auction.

“We’re hoping to make as much as $500,” Putthoff said.

Along with the auction, the Altar Society is holding raffles. Also, the selection of homemade items for sale has increased during the past years, Putthoff said, so much so that the church now erects a tent outside for its “Country Store.”

Putthoff said the camaraderie of the workers is worth the work of sponsoring the dinner and bazaar, and she likened it to the church’s recent fund-raising work at the Kansas Speedway.

“We get together as a parish and work together as a common goal,” Putthoff said. “I certainly would not want to ever do away with the bazaars, I think that’s very important to keep the parish together.”

Tickets for the dinner are $6 for adults and $3 for children. Children 5 and under are free. The church is at 703 River.