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County commission to decide on permit for retreat center

By Lisa Scheller - | Oct 17, 2001

The Leavenworth County Planning Commission voted last week against recommending the renewal of a special-use permit for the Gaea Retreat Center. The vote was 5-2.

John Zoellner, Leavenworth County planning director, said this was a recommendation of the planning commission, and said the Leavenworth County Commission would make a deciding vote on the special-use permit during a meeting at 1:30 p.m. Oct. 25.

The area, at 25110 235th Street in northwest Leaven-worth County, has existed since the 1940s, having served as a nudist colony and later a church camp. The current owners purchased the property in 1993. Zoellner said area residents who attended the planning commission’s meeting voiced concern about traffic, noise and nudity.

“People there are expressing themselves differently than the normal person might,” Zoellner said.