2002 Leavenworth County Fair schedule of events
Here is the schedule of events for the 2002 Leavenworth County Fair:
Thursday, Aug. 8
(Lansing Middle School, 509 E. Ida)
9 a.m.
4-H modeling judging, constructed garments
1 p.m.
4-H clothing construction consultation judging
Friday, Aug. 9
(Lansing Middle School, 509 E. Ida)
9 a.m.
4-H modeling judging- clothing buymanship
9:30 a.m.
4-H demonstrations and illustrated talks judging
10 a.m.
4-H family and consumer science judging contest
7 p.m.
Public Fashion Review
Sunday, Aug. 11
1 p.m.
Fairgrounds clean-up
Monday, Aug. 12
8 a.m.-9 a.m.
4-H/FFA Horse Show registration (Fairgrounds Horse Arena)
9 a.m.
4-H/FFA Horse Show/judging (Fairgrounds Horse Arena)
4-H food and nutrition and food preservation consultation judging (Tonganoxie 4-H Building)
4-H skill arts consultation judging (Green Metal Building, east side)
4-H woodworking consultation judging (Green Metal Building, west side)
10 a.m.-noon
Leather, carving, fabric and fibers, stitchery, quilting, stenciling judge (Green Metal Building, east side).
5 p.m.-10 p.m.
(Livestock Barns)
4-H/FFA and open class swine entered/weighed in
4-H/FFA and open class sheep entered/weighed in
6:30 p.m.-8 p.m.
Craft Patch items accepted (Home Economics Building)
6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
(Home Economics Building)
Open class home economics entries accepted
Open class ceramics entries accepted
Tuesday, Aug. 13
7:30 a.m.-9 a.m.
4-H/FFA and open goat entries accepted/weighed in (Livestock barns)
8 a.m.-noon
4-H clothing entries accepted (Tonganoxie 4-H Building)
4-H rocketry exhibits entered (Tonganoxie 4-H Building)
4-H projects displays set-up (Green Metal Building, west side)
4-H club booth/banner entries accepted (Green Metal Building, west side)
4-H/FFA and open poultry entries accepted (Poultry Barn)
Craft Patch items accepted (Home Economics Building)
8 a.m.-9 a.m.
Open class home economics entries accepted at Home Economics Building (also on Monday)
9 a.m.-11 a.m.
4-H/FFA and open beef entries accepted/weighed in (Livestock Barns)
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
4-H photography entries check-in (Tonganoxie 4-H Building)
9 a.m.
4-H electric consultation judging
10 a.m.
(Home Economics Building)
Craft Patch Sale (until 10 p.m.)
Open class home economics judging
Open class ceramics judging
11 a.m.
4-H bucket fed calf entries accepted/weighed in (Livestock Barns)
1 p.m.
(Rabbit Barn)
4-H entomology consultation judging
4-H forestry consultation judging
4-H geology consultation judging
1 p.m.
4-H photography group consultation judging (Tonganoxie 4-H Building)
1 p.m.-2 p.m.
4-H home environment judging (Tonganoxie 4-H Building)
1 p.m.-4 p.m.
4-H/FFA and open agronomy, horticulture and honey entries accepted (Green Metal Building, east side)
1 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
4-H/FFA and open class poultry entries accepted (Poultry Barns)
2 p.m.
4-H knitting and crocheting consultation judging (Tonganoxie 4-H Building)
4-H booth/banners and project display judging (Green Metal Building, west side)
5 p.m.
4-H/open class vegetables, plant sciences, honey judging (Green Metal Building, east side)
5:30 p.m.
Open Horse Show (Fairgrounds Horse Arena)
6 p.m.
Fair Photo Contest entries due (Administration Building)
4-H/FFA and Open Swine Show/judging (Show Arena)
6 p.m.-10 p.m.
Dollar Night at the Carnival
6:30 p.m.
4-H rocket judging (Tonganoxie 4-H Building)
7 p.m.
Fair Photo Contest judging (Administration Building)
Wednesday, Aug. 14
8 a.m.-noon
4-H/FFA and Open Class rabbit entries accepted (Rabbit Barn)
8 a.m. (Show Arena)
4-H/Bucket Calf Consultation Judging
4-H/FFA and Open Class Goat Breeding Show and showmanship judging.
8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
Open Class Flower Show entries accepted (Home Economics Building)
9 a.m.
Mini 4-H entries accepted and judged (Tonganoxie 4-H Building)
10 p.m.
4-H/FFA poultry show-manship/judging (Poultry Barn)
10:30 a.m.
Open class flower judging starts (Home Economics Building)
11 a.m.-10 p.m.
Craft Patch Sale (Home Economics Building) Also Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
2 p.m.
4-H bucket calf fitting and showing/judging (Show Arena)
4-H/FFA and Open Class Poultry Show/judging (Poultry Barn)
6:30 p.m.
Annual fair parade. Theme: “4-H and County Fairs: A Century-Long Tradition”
Immediately following the parade
Draft Horse Pull (Horse Arena)
Demonstration by the Kansas Miniature Horse Club (west side of fairgrounds)
7:30 p.m.
4-H/FFA and Open Class Market Lamb Show/Sheep Breeding Show and Showmanship Judging (Show Arena)
Thursday, Aug. 15
8 a.m.-noon
4-H/F FA and open class dairy cow entries accepted (Dairy Barn)
9 a.m.
4-H/FFA and open class Beef Cattle Show/judging (Show Arena)
4-H/FFA and Open Class Rabbit Show and rabbit showmanship (Rabbit Barn)
4 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
4-H Canned Food Drive (West Fair Gates and 4-H Food Stand).
6 p.m.-10 p.m.
Arm band night at the carnival
6 p.m.
Mutton Bustin’ sign-up at Grandstand. Entries accepted for 3- to 6-year-olds (less than 60 pounds) Top 10 entrants come back for 7 p.m. rodeo performance.
7 p.m.
Mutton Bustin’ (Grandstand)
4-H/FFA and Open Class Dairy Cattle Show/judging (Show Arena)
Immediately following Dairy Cattle Show
4-H/FFA Milking Goat Show (Show Arena)
8 p.m.
Leavenworth County Fair Rodeo (Grandstand) IPRA sanctioned. Admission: $8 for adults; $4 for children 6 through 12; no charge for children under 6. Books open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 12. For entry information, call (800) 639-9002.
Under the Big Top with Kathy Lynn; free admission
Friday, Aug. 16
8 a.m.
Round Robin Showmanship (Show Arena)
9:30 a.m.-10:15 a.m.
Livestock judging contest registration (Show Arena)
10:30 a.m.
Livestock Judging Contest (Show Arena)
11:30 a.m.
4-H rockets launched (baseball field near fairgrounds)
Noon-3 p.m.
(Under the Big Top)
Senior Day at the Fair, sponsored by the Leavenworth County Council on Aging. Schedule: noon-1:30 p.m., lunch and entertainment; 1 p.m.-2 p.m., bingo; 2 p.m.-3 p.m., see the fair, ride the shuttle to individual fair buildings.
1 p.m.-3 p.m.
4-H flower entries accepted and juried at 3 p.m. (Home Economics Building)
6 p.m.-7 p.m.
Barbecue supper served to 2001 4-H/FFA livestock buyers (Show Arena)
6 p.m.
Mutton Bustin’ sign-up at Grandstand. Entries accepted for 3- to 6-year-olds (less than 60 pounds) Top 10 entrants come back for 7 p.m. rodeo performance.
6:30 p.m.- 6:45 p.m.
4-H Spirit Awards and 4-H Council scholarships presented (Show Arena)
7 p.m.
Mutton Bustin’ (Grandstand)
Livestock Auction (Show Arena)
37th annual Livestock 4-H/FFA Auction. 4-H market animals that were blue and red ribbon winners in the fair will be auctioned.
8 p.m.
Leavenworth County Fair Rodeo (Grandstand) IPRA sanctioned. Admission: $8 for adults; $4 for children 6 through 12; no charge for children under 6. Books open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 12. For entry information, call (800) 639-9002.
Under the Big Top with Straight Up (free admission).
Saturday, Aug. 17
8 a.m.
Open Horse Show Racing Classes (Fairgrounds Horse Arena)
8:30 a.m.- 9:30 a.m.
4-H Horticulture Judging Contest, closed to public (Tonganoxie 4-H Building)
9 a.m.
4-H/FFA Shepherd’s Lead Contest (Show Arena)
9:30 a.m.
4-H/FFA Tractor Operators Event (check fair office for location)
10:30 a.m.
Ag Olympics; open to the public (Show Arena)
11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Turtle Races registration (Show Arena)
4-H Dog Show, agility classes (tent outside administration building).
1 p.m.
Turtle Races (Show Arena)
3 p.m.
Adult Tractor Driving Contest (Horse Arena) Limited to first 50 entries. $1 to enter. Information: Dan Yates, (913) 441-8819.
4 p.m.
Kids Pedal Tractor Pull, sponsored by Farm Bureau (Show Arena)
6:30 p.m.
Demolition Derby (Grandstand)
Admission: $10 for adults; $5 for children 12 to 6; no charge for children under 6.
7:30 p.m.
Dance at the Show Arena, sponsored by 4-H Teens in the Kansas River Youth Leadership Program
9 a.m.
4H/FFA exhibits released
10 a.m.
Fairgrounds clean-up