Remember when: a community remembers
On Dec. 31, 1991, the doors of the neighborhood bar on old 40 highway (County Road 6) closed for the last time. Friends and neighbors came to help celebrate the farewell. (It was March 1959 when Lloyd “Stubbs” and Florence Yates took over this popular place for friendly, daily gatherings.) (Picture of Mrs. Yates)
Deaths: Harry C. “Pat” Dale, 81, Ottawa, died Jan. 18, 1992; James A. Bell, 100 years, eight months, a retired farmer, died in Winchester on Jan. 15, 1992; Ruby Hoover, 91, Tonganoxie (formerly of Kansas City, Kan.), died Jan. 12, 1992.
Birth: Kevin and Gail Reardon, McLouth, are proud to announce the birth of a daughter, Rachel Marie, Jan. 9, 1992.
The Rev. Ben and Margaret Saathoff arrived home Sunday after a week’s visit with their daughter and son-in-law, Shelley and Eric Gossett, and their new granddaughter, Calah Roe. Calah was born Jan. 10, 1992. The Gossetts live in San Antonio, Texas.
Third generation farm owned since the 1860sin the early 1860s there wasn’t much but prairie grass around here. Yet the Eibes family thought this area looked like a good place to settle down. (Article, with pictures, tells the story of the Charles Lewis Eibes family, grandparents to the current owner, Charles Eibes also, who built a log cabin and set up housekeeping.)
25 years ago: Jan. 19, 1977
Word was received here of the death of M.D. “Butch” Musselman, 49, of Topeka.
John Edward Korb, formerly of Route Two, Tonganoxie, has been hired as a first-grade teacher in Burlingame.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. James M. Asher announce the birth of a daughter, Jamie Marie, Dec. 30, 1976; Mr. and Mrs. David Foster announce the birth of a daughter, Jennifer Elvira, Jan. 8, 1977; Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Prince of Atlanta, announce the birth Dec. 29, 1976, of a seven-pound, 10-ounce son, Matthew Robb.
Among the American presidents not elected by majority of popular votes was Abraham Lincoln.
Genevieve Wendorff, chairman of the Southern Leavenworth County Council of Senior Citizens Club, reports that the federal grant for $8,500 has been received and, together with their allotment from the Leavenworth County commissioners, it is possible to have a bus available for Linwood, Basehor and Tonganoxie senior citizens.
The first new babies born in Jefferson County were Christina Sue and Angela Sue, twins, born Jan. 6 at Winchester Hospital. They are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brooks of Perry. We take it that one is a Christian and the other one an angel, which puts them in the best circles right from the start.
50 years ago:
Jan. 31, 1952:
Wm. D. Reilly, probate judge, former state senator, representative in the state legislature and county attorney, died at his home in Leavenworth Monday night of a cerebral hemorrhage. He was 53.
Stranger Valley Echoes: This column is criticized by a correspondent for the statement every democratic president since Cleveland got the country into a war. We don’t recall making this statement but it may have been printed sometime in a clipping. The claim is the Korean War is not a war because Congress has never declared war as the Constitution provides but, as a police action. Possibly it might be called an undeclared war but we feel sure most people feel that a shooting war with more than 100,000 casualties is some kind of a war.
Jarbalo: Walter Herrstrom, who joined the armed forces the first of this month, now is with the Marines at San Diego.
Pvt. Charles Coleman writes his mother, Mrs. J.D. Coleman, from Korea that he is 25 to 30 miles from the firing lines. He has finished his schooling and is now a cook.
75 years ago: Jan. 13, 1927
Glenn Meek left Sunday for Oklahoma City, at which place he had made plans to locate before leaving Turon. Mrs. Meek and children will visit here with Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Young for a while before going to Oklahoma City.
Mr. and Mrs. August Gruendal of Basehor, announce the birth of a daughter, to whom they have given the name of Dorothy Jean.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Papenhausen announce the birth of a daughter Friday, Jan. 7, 1927, to which they have given the name Dorothy Mae.
Ike Golding died at his home in St. Louis last week.
Friendship Valley: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mills are the proud parents of a son born Jan. 6, to whom they have given the name Robert Gene.
Pony Creek: F.A. McRill was operated on last Saturday morning at the Vineyard Hospital for the removal of 183 gallstones. The operation was successful and Mr. McRill is getting along fine.
McGinnis: There was large crowd that attended the Gruendal barn dance Saturday.
Pleasant Prairie: J.E. Leighty and W.E. Deeter butchered Tuesday.
For sale: If you are sick, sad or suffering, read “The Heart of Healing” and get in touch with the Divine Wisdom Within. For Sale by Author Mizanna Wolff, Tonganoxie. Paper cover 55 cents.
100 years ago: Jan. 23, 1902
Mount Olivet: Beautiful snow wraps Mother Earth in a white mantle.
Don’t eat anything. Everything you eat causes cancer. The scientific sharps say so. They never eat anything.
The Lawrence Journal adds the title “Colonel” to the name of Fred Wellhouse, the apple king.
Oskaloosa, which purchased a fire engine about the same time Tonganoxie did, last week bought another at $600.
Peter Lamb sold his farm at $40 an acre and not at $25 per acre as The Mirror had it last week. Mr. Lamb will have a sale next month prior to his departure for California.
Mrs. Elizabeth Carr died at her home two miles northwest of town last week, of old age. Elizabeth Michael was born in Pennsylvania Aug. 11, 1832, and was married to John Carr in February 1850 in Union County, Indiana. Mrs. Carr leaves five sons and two daughters.
A Lawrence jointkeeper assumed the role of a temperance crank and church member with good success until the officers made a raid on his place one night. It cost him $100 in police court Saturday when his hypocrisy was revealed.
Dr. Milton Cain, who has been practicing medicine at Jarbalo a number of years, has moved to McLouth.
Sixty and 80 pound lard tubs, good for putting up lard; also can be used for wash tubs. For sale cheap at the Home Bakery.