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Property taxes can be paid online

By Lisa Scheller - | Nov 13, 2002

Since October, Kansans have been able to renew car tags online. Now they also can pay property taxes online.

Janice Young, Leavenworth County treasurer, said this is because property taxes can now be paid by credit card over the telephone and Internet.

There is a fee for paying property taxes with a credit card, Young said.

“It will tell them that when they go into the computer,” she said. “I think they can back out if they don’t want to do it.”

About 80 of the state’s 115 counties began taking credit card payment for property taxes earlier this year.

“I think all of them are doing it now,” she said. “The state also went statewide in being able to renew car tags online, too.”

Young said she hopes this will help decrease the number of late taxpayers in the county.

“A lot of people do pay everything by credit card and then they go and pay for it by the end of the month,” Young said. “We’re hoping that it will cut down on delinquencies.”

For more information, log onto www.kansastreasurer.org. The county’s jurisdiction code needed for a credit card transaction is 2639. For phone payments, call 1-800-2PAY-TAX. At least half of the personal property tax has to be paid by Dec. 20. For more information, contact the treasurer’s office at (913) 684-0432.