Remember When
10 years ago: Oct. 25, 1995
The descendants of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hubbard held their 19th annual family reunion on Oct. 22 at the Linwood Community Center, with a carry-in basket dinner at 12:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. James Siscoe and Diane Siscoe were the hosts. Gladys Bolin and Nettie Lochner decorated the tables.
Death: Irene K. “Krump” Headrick, 80, of Tavares, Fla., died Oct. 22, 1995.
Jarbalo Jottings: Thamar Barnett and most of the family attended funeral services for her brother-in-law, Allen Smith, of Leavenworth last Thursday.
Births: Jim and Brenda Baker, Olathe, announce the birth of a daughter, Amy Sue, born Oct. 17.
Chris and Robin Campbell announce the birth of a daughter, Kourtni Gayle, Sept. 27. Ray and Janet Donahoo, Virginia Beach, Va., announce the birth of a son, Derek Ray, Sept. 20.
Robert and Carrie Koch, Leavenworth, announce the birth of a son, Cody Wayne, Aug. 22. Rick and Michele McPherson, Tonganoxie, announce the birth of a son, Eric Leland, Oct. 3, 1995.
25 years ago: Oct. 22, 1980
Deaths: William Dee Jarrett Sr., Tonganoxie, passed away Oct. 15, 1980, at the age of 74 years. Jesse O. Guinn, 75, Oskaloosa, died Saturday at his home.
Birth: Mr. and Mrs. William Haynes of Route 2, Easton, announce the birth of a baby girl born Oct. 13, 1980. The baby has been named Jency Ann.
Jarbalo Jottings: Neighbors, friends and relatives of George and Bid Sheppard stopped by their house Sunday afternoon to visit with them and help celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary which was Friday.
The children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of the late William and Jennie Laverie Seeman, Kansas City, Kan., met Sunday at the spacious country home of Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Harris, Tonganoxie, for a family reunion.
(Picture) Sandra “Sandy” Harman is home from Kenya. She spent two years with the Peace Corp, which proved to be a most rewarding venture. (Sandy brought home a wooden carved medicine man. In Kenya, this practice is still alive as they don’t trust modern medicine.)
Mr. and Mrs. George Milleret Sr. celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday, Oct. 12, 1980. After attending Mass at St. John’s Catholic Church, a dinner was hosted in their honor at the Ramada Inn by their children.
Jami Angell celebrated her sixth birthday with a party at her home on Delaware Drive, Sunday.
McLouth News: Mr. and Mrs. Chester Zook celebrated their 68th wedding anniversary Sunday, Oct. 5, with a family gathering.
50 years ago: Nov. 10, 1955
Tomorrow (Friday) is Veterans Day. Formerly it was called Armistice Day from War I.
Deaths: William Heynen, Tonganoxie, editor of the Mirror from 1884-1919, passed away Nov. 8, 1955, at the age of 89 years.
Wesley B. Burgoyne, 77, McLouth, died Nov. 2. Alvin E. Wing, 59, Bethel, died Thursday. Louis Frederic Young, Tonganoxie, passed away Nov. 7, 1955, at the age of 87 years.
Birth: Mr. and Mrs. John Couch of Tonganoxie, are the parents of a son born Saturday, Nov. 5, 1955.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Metlewski will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary Saturday, Nov. 12, 1955.
Basehor: Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Bundy and children have moved on a farm near Tonganoxie and Jerry Oroke has moved into the bungalo vacated by the Bundy family.
75 years ago: Oct. 16, 1930
Masonic Services For Tom Chandler. Was a blacksmith here. Tom Chandler, 59, a former Tonganoxie resident, died Thursday night in a hospital in Kansas City, Kansas.
Miss Edna Bagwell of St. Louis, Mo., but formerly of Tonganoxie, passed away at a St. Louis hospital last week.
Leavenworth County Fair Starts Today In Tonganoxie. Fifth year for the fair. Big Farm Speaker on Program For Friday Evening In High School Auditorium.
Stranger: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kissinger entertained with a family reunion of 56 relatives at their home Sunday.
Reno: Funeral services for Frank Breese were held at the Reno cemetery on Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Byrant are the parents of a baby girl born Oct. 7, to whom they have given the name Bonnie Marie.
Bring trimmed boxes to the social Friday, Oct. 24, at the Stanwood schoolhouse. Everybody welcome. Miss Beulah Somers, teacher. (Ad.)
Friendship Valley: Mrs. Ray Throop is still very ill. We are all sorry for her. She is a patient brave little woman.
100 years ago: Oct. 26, 1905
Mrs. Caroline Mosser, mother of George Mosser of the Linwood neighborhood, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roboson in Lawrence, last week. Mrs. Caroline Beltz Mosser was born in Carbon County, Pa., Jan. 7, 1821.
Emporia: The 24th annual meeting of the Anti-Horsethief association of Kansas met in the Wigwam here Thursday. Three hundred delegates are here and the number is expected to reach 600.
Dressmakers predict that American men will in a few years be wearing corsets. It is quite safe to say, however, that the time will never come when the men will carry their money in little satchels that dangle from their belts.
Will Fay, for many years a resident of this community, was accidentally thrown from a wagon one day last week, and died soon after. His home was near Easton.
Obituary: James Marion Metier was born near Ripley, Ohio, Nov. 4, 1836, died Oct. 17, 1905, aged 68 years, 11 months and 13 days. The remains were laid to rest in Eagle Cemetery.
John Grant, the son of Toliver Grant, died very suddenly Sunday night at 1 o’clock, the real cause of his death not being known unless it was heart trouble. He was 24 years of age.