Remember When: A community review
10 years ago: March 27, 1996
Deaths: Michael Lee Isaacs, 43, passed away March 17, 1996; Margaret Rose Davoren, 88, Tonganoxie, died March 24, 1996; J. Russell “Russ” Harris, 87, McLouth, died March 20, 1996; Wilma R. Koerner, 83, Eudora, died March 19, 1996; Tyanna Kay Pelzl (Razorbacker), 20, Springdale, Arkansas, died March 20, 1996, with her grandmother.
R. J. Stephenson and his daughter, Marissa Stephenson, and six of his friends arrived home Sunday, the 24th, from a Colorado river trip in the Grand Canyon. This was a 19-day adventure, traveling 225 miles.
Phillips teaches believing without seeing: (Pictures) Craig Phillips demonstrates how a blind person would read a braille publication. Phillips is an instructor at the Kansas City School for the Blind, and his reading material is the school’s newspaper “The Kansas Eagle” which is printed in both print and braille. A good reader can read 80 to 100 words per minute according to Phillips.
(Picture) One of the many toy tractors sold in an auction at Shoemaker’s Auction Center on March 24, which drew bidders from a four state area. This tractor was valued at $600 and brought a bid of $475. It dates to 1981 and was one of only 1000 ever made. The tractors were part of David Shoemaker’s collection which he assembled after collecting 125 tractors for 20 years.
25 years ago: March 25, 1981
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Gary Walker are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Jocelyn Marie, born March 8, 1981; Mr. and Mrs. Brad Jewell are the parents of a baby girl born March 10, 1981. They have given her the name of Natalie Lynn.
Jarbalo Jottings: Jesse Barnett received word of the death of his sister, Mae Gale, of Rolla, Mo., Sunday.
Linwood News: The birthdays of Carl Torneden, John Pettengill of Lawrence, and Cindy Leavitt, Tonganoxie, also the 44th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beaman, Lawrence, were honored with a family dinner Sunday, March 15.
McLouth News: Funeral services for Luther Osborn, Topeka, were held March 12th in Topeka. Graveside services were at 3:30 p.m. in the McLouth Cemetery.
Friends of the Tongy Twirlers and Smalltown Steppers Square Dance clubs were present at the fairgrounds in Tongie to give a surprise birthday party for Dolores Finch on March 21. About 80 people enjoyed dancing, and the ice cream and cake furnished by close friends and Wayne.
50 years ago: April 12, 1956
Deaths: Mrs. Magdalena (Lena) Frances O’Brien, Denver, passed away April 6, 1956, at the age of 72 years; Fountain (Fount) Michie Smith, Tonganoxie, passed away April 6, 1956, at the age of 94 years; Mrs. Alta Croft Whitaker, Tonganoxie, passed away April 5, 1956, at the age of 68 years.
The Weekly News Reel: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham, out Reno way, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary recently by driving their car to a party given by some of their friends.
Walt Neibarger has been invited to accompany Alex Drier and 33 other newsmen on a trip to Russia. Mr. Neibarger said he did not believe he would be able to make the trip at this time although he certainly appreciated the opportunity. Among the reasons given for declining to accept were plans to go to South America next winter and on that trip he would be accompanied by Mrs. Neibarger.
Weekly Comment on this and that. Governor Fred Hall has proclaimed the week of April 16 to 21 as “Clean Up Week” in the state of Kansas. Some will say that you cannot clean up an old building to make it presentable, but look at the Evans Real Estate office, the Tonga State Bank building, or the Building & Loan office. These buildings are not new yet present a very nice appearance. The Mayor and Council should take necessary action to bring about cleaning up the worst cases, and the responsible people should take notice and do their own without prodding from anyone.
75 years ago: March 19, 1931
Steady progress is being made on the dam at the state park. On the east side of the valley, the dam is in the neighborhood of 20 feet high now. According to reports the well driller, who was putting down a well at the caretaker’s residence, struck salt water at 246 feet, and the water is not usable. It appears there is a salt bed beneath the surface in that vicinity, so the problem of water at the residence is a knotty one. There is a spring to the north, and this may be used as the water source. The garage at the caretaker’s residence is going up, but so far only the foundation for the residence has been completed,
Bulletin: George E. Ratliff, age 54, died at his home in Kansas City, Mo., Wednesday.
The funeral services for Elbert L. Haworth were held at the Friends Church at Stanwood last Friday, with burial in Wild Horse cemetery, by the side of the father and mother, who had preceded him in death by several years. Mr. Haworth was 54 years, 12 days old when he died.
Community Assets: Like the mother or dad, whom we fail to appreciate fully until they are gone, communities often fail to fully appreciate the value of some local institution until a lack of it brings it forcibly to mind. Just now the closing of the Royal theater is an incident like that. It matters not what the contributing cause may be. But every business in town feels the effect. It shows how much community projects interlock, affect each other.
100 years ago: March 29, 1906
Thirty-five years ago this spring Noah Hill arrived in Reno and his death of diabetes Sunday morning, was the first death in the family since.
Mrs. George A. Seufert, one of the early settlers of Stranger Township, died at her home north of Seufert station last Friday, the cause of death being dropsy, from which she had suffered for several years. Margaret Leininger was born in Germany, Sept. 14, 1837, but was brought to this country when only nine years old.
Mrs. John Peirce entertained about 20 of the friends of her nephew, Elliott Myers, at her home Saturday evening. The occasion was in honor of the latter’s birthday and was a complete surprise to him. After spending several most enjoyable hours, the guests were invited into the beautifully furnished dining room and were served with refreshments. The table was elaborately decorated with ferns and pink carnations, and in the center was an immense birthday cake on which there were 18 candles which were lighted during the supper.