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How did Kline come back?

By Staff Report - | Dec 13, 2006

Here are today’s headlines from Kansas government:

Phill Kline, political survivor

(KC Star) In Kline’s job swap, defeat turns to victory Phill Kline’s election as Johnson County district attorney may have capped a bizarre five weeks of political intrigue, but it didn’t end the questions. How was it that Kline suddenly had a new job that will pay him nearly $50,000 more a year just a month after voters roundly rejected his re-election bid for Kansas attorney general?

(LJW) Kline plans for new job: Just hours after his political revival, Attorney General Phill Kline on Tuesday named one of his newborn pups “Snoop Dog,” bashed the media and planned changes in the Johnson County district attorney’s office.

The issues

(LJW) Experts tackle prison problems: Kansas is on track to run out of prison space within two years unless something changes, speakers warned Tuesday at a conference in Lawrence. There’s an option of building a new prison with an estimated cost of about $500 million during the next nine years. Or there’s a second option of working to keep people from violating their probation or from returning once they’re released from prison – an approach that researchers say can allow the prison system to remain at its current capacity until roughly 2015.

(Kansas Health Institute) New study on specialty hospital draws mixed reaction: A new report on the state’s specialty hospitals drew mixed response Tuesday from members of the Kansas Health Policy Authority, which in March will recommend to the Legislature how the state should best deal with the controversial facilities.