Moore: ‘No Child’ needs changes
(Desoto Explorer) Moore: No NCLB renewal without promised funding: Congress passed No Child Left Behind, said to be the centerpiece of the Bush administration’s domestic policy, in 2001. When schools don’t make the AYP standard after a certain number of years, specific sanctions can be required. For example, some schools would have to pay for transportation for a student to attend a different building under one of the sanctions. Rep. Dennis Moore said he voted for the law five years ago after listening to concerns from several superintendents. The law is up for renewal again this year when Congress reconvenes. Moore said he would only support a law with changes. The Lenexa Democrat said there were positives to No Child Left Behind, such as providing equal education opportunities and raising the achievement standards. “The purpose is good,” he said. “I don’t know of a teacher who wants to leave any child behind, but the law has some shortfalls.”
( U.S.-Cuba Democracy Pac Sings Governor’s Praises: It was a who’s who of Cuban-Americans on Wednesday at the Biltmore Hotel, with special recognition for outgoing Gov. Jeb Bush. … Politicians from near and far praised Bush, who is nearing the end of his eight-year term. Even U.S. Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., showed up. He urged political leaders to act as a voice for Cubans and voiced his support for the Cuban embargo. “Trading with Castro is not the way to bring about democratic change in Cuba,” Brownback said. The real reason for Bush, Brownback and everyone else’s appearance was the cause of a free Cuba and concern for U.S. policy.
(Reuters) “I have no future” — Jeb Bush tells reporters: (Jeb) Bush did not elaborate on his terse “no future” comment. But he has said repeatedly over the past year that he would not run for president in 2008 and has never seemed comfortable with talk about Bush III or the Bush presidential dynasty. “Jeb would have made an outstanding presidential candidate,” said Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback, who joined Bush at a luncheon on Wednesday hosted by a Cuban American political action committee. Brownback, a Republican who launched an exploratory committee three weeks ago to consider his own bid for the presidency, added that he was “a Jeb Bush-type conservative.” In a backhanded slap at President Bush, Brownback cited “a heritage issue” as one factor currently weighing against a Jeb Bush presidency. “People may be wanting to see a different name,” he said.
(AP) State, Federal Officials Renew Support Of Embargo On Cuba: On his first trip to Florida since forming a presidential exploratory committee early this month, U.S. Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., urged political leaders to act as a voice for Cubans and voiced his support for the embargo. “Trading with Castro is not the way to bring about democratic change in Cuba,” Brownback said.
(Hutch News) Hutchinson Fire Dept. wins grant money: Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts announced Wednesday that five Kansas fire departments will receive more than $400,000 in federal grant money to improve homeland security measures. … The funds were awarded by the 2006 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The program assists rural, urban and suburban fire departments throughout the United States.
(Washington Post) Federal Subsidies Turn Farms Into Big Business: Without generous government help, farm-state politicians say, thousands of these hardworking families would fail, threatening the nation’s abundant food supply. “In today’s fast-paced, interconnected world, there are few industries where sons and daughters can work side-by-side with moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas,” Rep. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) said last year. “But we still find that today in agriculture. . . . It is a celebration of what too many in our country have forgotten, an endangered way of life that we must work each and every day to preserve.” This imagery secures billions annually in what one grower called “empathy payments” for farmers. But it is misleading. Today, most of the nation’s food is produced by modern family farms that are large operations using state-of-the-art computers, marketing consultants and technologies that cut labor, time and costs.