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Aunt Norie’s Sewing Room

By Eleanor Mckee - | Jul 19, 2006

This from Gen R.: “I’m sending you one of my favorite hints, I’m into crafts as you know. I often have to sew and work with vinyl. When sewing vinyl to vinyl try spraying it with WD-40. No joke, it works like a charm.”

She continues: “Also, when making buttonholes in creepy knits, I stretch scotch tape over the area. After stitching the buttonholes, the tape just pulls right off when you finish.”

We’ll all thank you for a long time for those hints with vinyl and plastics. They do indeed cause problems and need special handling.

Back-to-school sewing is getting into full swing again. Just visit the fabric centers, where there’s such excitement.

It takes time but it’s time well spent. When making a dress, assemble the garment and let it hang on a good hanger overnight — or, even better, for 24 hours — to allow the fabric to stretch or ” hang out,” as we say. Then try it on and mark the hem.

If that hem is circular or flared, you’ll want to do a very narrow hem. It will go in so easily if you first machine-stitch along the very edge. You can so easily and quickly turn that row of stitches under with no basting. It’s one of the quickest, easiest hems to do.

I think this is so sweet, and I certainly was thrilled when Mary, a little 4-H girl, told me a few weeks back that she was making a scrapbook of Aunt Norie columns that pertain to sewing. Thank you, my dear.

I am always thrilled with those just learning to sew. They are creating their very own colors and styles to fit just right. And they will always use those skills. They will always look so neat and feel so great.

Always love and God bless.

— Aunt Norie, P.O. Box 265, Tonganoxie 66086; auntnorie@bdc.net