Aunt Norie’s Sewing Room
I had asked one time if anyone had used WD-40 to clean their sewing machine.
I soon received a letter from Olympia, Wash. Lois R. had this to say: “I am writing in response to your question as to whether or not WD-40 can be used to oil and clean a sewing machine. It sure can! I have been doing just that for nearly two years. My singer is over 30 years old and had gotten so contrary I couldn’t do anything with it. I oiled it, cleaned it, begged it and threatened to bust it up and throw it out. Nothing worked.
“Finally in desperation I took a can of WD-40 from my husband’s shelf and squirted it good. At that point I almost didn’t care what happened to it. Viola! Magic! I ran a couple of trial seams in an old rag. Never had that old singer purred so smoothly. I went tearing down the stairs yelling, ‘It works It works.’
“Poor John thought the old lady has finally gone nuts! But he was very helpful and cleaned the whole thing for me, and I’ve been sewing very happily ever since.”
She said she wasn’t sure what long-term effects WD-40 might have on moving parts because it lacks the viscosity of oil but said it worked for her when nothing else would.
She and John were at that time moving back home. All of our little hometown papers are very special and go to all parts of the world.
Would love to hear from you again if you still read us.
A lot of those old machines one finds at garage sales for very little need only to be cleaned and oiled, and they’ll be off and running again. Many times, they are far better than brand new ones
Gotta run now. Have lots of fun with the kids this summer. All too soon they will be back in school
God bless.