Springdale News
Gertrude and L.J. Chrisman had as guests on Oct. 22 these members of their family: Steve Chrisman, Joyce and Kenny Webb, Darryl and Valerie Lafferty and children Brett and Whitney.
Ed, Peggy and Drew, Jeff and Jenna and Isabella Gillaspie, Evelyn Schwinn, Ray, Jeanette, Luke and Emily Cole all enjoyed lunch at Applebee’s on Oct. 22 with Pastor Jason Fergerson.
Sharon Lynn and Evelyn Schwinn visited their brother, Harold Steed and his wife, Jean, in Edwardsville on Oct. 23. They enjoyed lunch.
The ladies tea at Springdale Friends Church was well-attended Oct. 20. Laura Moyers of Pleasant Ridge Elementary School’s music department presented a very nice program.
Roger and Linda Maher attended the wedding for Sarah Klick and Jeffrey Jansen on Oct. 21 at hope Family Fellowship Church in Shawnee. Others attending from the Maher family were Noah, Isaiah, Audrey, Anna, Rachel and Grace Maher. The married children were Melanie and Nathan Maxwell of Leavenworth, and Jennifer and Leland Bohannon and daughter Molly of Louisiana. Olivia Jensen and sons Andrew and Jonathan of North Carolina and Simon Maher of Montana. After the wedding, Pa Pa and Mimi took their grandsons shopping and bought them cowboy hats and mud boots. On Oct. 22, Roger and Linda Maher hosted an early Thanksgiving dinner for the family members who were here for the wedding.