Jarbalo Jottings
Mildred Ehart reports that she and Henry have a new great-grandson. He was born Oct. 30, and his name is Seth Dale Cole. His parents are Steve and Shanda Cole. His grandparents are Mike and Marcia Ehart of Prim, Ark.
David and Jane Turner attended a meeting of Santa Fe Trail Leather Artists Guild Nov. 4 in Topeka.
Joyce Simmons and son Austin of Seymour, Mo., visited Bid Sheppard the weekend of Nov. 4.
The Jarbalo United Methodist Women met last Wednesday at Pullman Place in Leavenworth for a meal and meeting. Peachez Joles’ birthday on Nov. 10 was noted. The group will provide for a needy family for Christmas. They also will help with treats for the Christmas meeting of the Monday Club, which is an after-school program. Division of the money in the treasury was done. There will be a meeting of the group at 1:15 p.m. today at the church, to package the articles given to the Bishop’s Roundup. The UMW’s next meeting will be at 12:30 p.m. Dec. 13 for a covered-dish dinner. The officers will be the hostesses. The pastor will present the program. Those attending the meeting were Gladys Steffen, Bid Sheppard, Connie Barnett, Peachez Joles, Frances Jeannin, Marilyn Oxley, Rosie Oelschlaeger, Thamar Barnett and the Rev. Larry Grove.