Springdale News
The WHMS of Springdale Friends Church met in the home of Joy Ewert on Nov. 1. Joy opened the meeting with a reading.
The songs, “Blessed Quietness,” and “Tell Me the Story of Jesus” were sung. The lesson was “Stitching and Cutting the Blocks of Life.” Scripture was Ephesians 2:10 and Luke 5:1-11. The ladies prayed the Lord’s Prayer. The Angel Story “Compound Interest” was shared.
In business, thank you notes from the High Prairie Ladies and Laura Moyers were read. An invitation from McLouth United Methodist to their Christmas Tea, Dec. 8, was received.
The Thanksgiving dinner at the church will be Nov. 19 after worship service. Guests are welcome. The December meeting will be at Peggy Gillaspie’s home at 5 p.m. The men will come at 7 p.m. to join the ladies for supper.
The meeting closed with the singing of “Blessed be the Tie.”
Joy served a delicious supper to the seven ladies and six children present.
Peggy Gillaspie visited her mother, Evelyn Schwinn, on Nov. 6.
Jennifer and David Roggenkamp of St. Mary’s visited her parents, Johnny and Jackie Schwinn over the Nov. 4 weekend.
Anabel Knapp visited her sister, Thelma Farris, last Wednesday afternoon at Winchester Hospital. She was in the Atchison Hospital from Nov. 3. She is having therapy and had pneumonia.
Marilyn Hoagland passed away Nov. 4, 2006, at Medicalodge in Leavenworth. She was born Jan. 6, 1938, at Anthony. She lived on her parent’s farm southwest of Easton since 1952. Funeral services were last Friday at Charter Funerals’ Sunset Chapel. Burial was at Sunset Memory Gardens Cemetery.
A 40th wedding anniversary celebration for Ray and Velma Riddle will be held Dec. 2 with a potluck dinner from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Riverfront Community Center, 123 S. Esplanade St., Leavenworth. It’s hosted by family. They look forward to seeing you!
L.J. and Gertrude Chrisman of Springdale attended the American Royal Saturday evening Nov. 4. They saw the horse show.
Jennie Coffin and Helen Lohman traveled to Branson on Nov. 3. They saw several shows and arrived home Nov. 5. They had a real nice trip. They saw the Christmas lights also.
The general election was held at the Alexandria Fire Station at Springdale on Nov. 7, with 273 people voting which was a large crowd for the polling place. It also was a very nice day.