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McLouth Happenings

By Beverly Muzzy - | Nov 21, 2006

Last week, I mistakenly invited the community to a Thanksgiving service at McLouth United Methodist Church on Wednesday. The Winchester United Methodist Church is hosting a community service; not McLouth’s church. My sincere apology for this error.

Pathway to Life, a full-gospel church at Lucy and Liberty streets, welcomes you to join them for revival and fellowship at 10:30 a.m. Sundays. Their food pantry is open every other Wednesday at 6 p.m. Their Little Lambs Preschool has been in operation for two years and is accepting new enrollments. Pastor Jill Penrod is the preschool’s teacher and director. Pastors Jeff Steudler (913) 271-7855 and Jill Penrod (913) 796-9999 eagerly seek to minister to our community in the love and power of Jesus. Please call them for further information or prayer concerns.

— Please submit McLouth Community information, announcements, and upcoming events to Beverly Muzzy: mclouthhappenings@isp.com or (913) 796-6935.