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Jarbalo Jottings

By Thamar Barnett - | Sep 27, 2006

Tom and Jean Murry went Sept. 15 to Eudora to visit Rachel Quisenberry and see their new great-grandson, Anthony.

Bid Sheppard was hostess for a birthday dinner at her house last Wednesday for Gladys Steffen. Kathy Powers also was a guest.

Don’t forget the smorgasbord Oct. 6 at Jarbalo United Methodist Church, with serving from 5 to 7 p.m. Admission is by donation.

A woman from Seattle, Wash., who grew up in the Reno area stopped by here Monday afternoon inquiring about relatives who lived in this area a long time ago. She is Linda Marra and is related to Bernhardts, also spelled Barnhardt and Flinners. It was interesting to talk with her. She and her husband, Ben, have an exhibit of Native American Powwow dancers, a photographic journey through native America. Their exhibit is called Faces From the Land and is currently in Omaha, Neb.

There are 37 large color portraits accompanied by narratives by the subjects telling the significance of their regalia and dance.

There were errors in last weeks Jottings: Corrections are Rosie Oelschlaeger, secretary and Frances Jeannin, treasurer, for officers of the Jarbalo United Methodist Church for 2007.