Small steps taken on health care
(LJW) Small steps taken on health care: The 2007 legislative session featured stark differences on the health care reform front. For example, Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, a Democrat, called for universal health coverage while a group of House Republicans sought to privatize Medicaid. Neither happened, but from those beginnings was forged a compromise that had all sides claiming victory and promising to continue the fight.
(Topeka Capital-Journal) Leaders say deferred maintenance a priority: The Kansas Board of Regents will be watching closely when lawmakers return to Topeka later this month for a short wrap-up of the 2007 legislative session.
(LJW) Tribes divided over new gambling bill: American Indian tribes that operate casinos in Kansas are divided about the state’s new gambling legislation that would allow four casinos and slot machines at horse and dog tracks.
(KC Star) Kansas Capitol Notebook: Constitutional challenge expected on gambling … Sen. Barbara Allen has busy session … House Majority Leader Ray Merrick opposes Johnson County tax plan.
(LJW) The Capitol Briefing: Will there be a gambling trailer bill … Higher ed wants gambling revenue … Senate president predicts five-day wrap-up session … House speaker talks about cancer center … Voter ID KO’d.
(LJW audio) Will Lawrence residents have to pay for KU’s maintenance?