Poet’s Corner: Mike Vestal
This week’s poet is newly sworn-in Tonganoxie Mayor Mike Vestal.
The Life I Live Now
It was a beautiful warm September night,
Not a cloud in the sky, the stars were bright.
I was just nineteen; my life was great,
Until that evening; I met a terrible fate….
I was driving home on Tongie Road,
That is where the rest of my life unfolds.
I was passing a car, not far from home,
I lost control, and I was not alone….
My car hit another, and flew in the air,
It rolled over and skidded on its top in the road,
I was hurt very badly; or so I was told.
Three others with me were not hurt at all,
They ran for help; they made the call….
The next thing I knew, in the hospital I awoke,
It was two weeks later; the doctor said; “Your neck is broke”.
At that moment I realized, I’d never walk again,
My life as I knew it had come to an end.
I said, “Why God, why did you do this to me?”
I decided on that day; What will be, will be….
Yes, my life changed, on that fateful September night,
I’ve never given up, I’ve continued to fight.
I believe for me, God had his own plan,
It was to help others in any way that I can.
Through the years, a boy became a man,
I learned to live and love life, the way that I am ….
Our Pride, Our Joy
There is no greater love on earth
Than a parents’ love for their child.
You have brought us such pride
Since the day of your birth…
Our lives have had some laughter
We’ve had our share of tears
God has given each their place
With the passing of the years…
Sweet daughter of ours,
You brighten our days
You put happiness in our heart
With your own special ways…
You’re our Angel from heaven
So precious so sweet.
Kathleen, you are a blessing
Sent down to us, you see…
Thank you my daughter
You’re our pride, you’re our joy
Our moments we spend together,
Are the times we most enjoy….