Jarbalo Jottings
Dirk Scates’ bees are at his home east of Jarbalo, not Tonganoxie.
Ladies from Jarbalo United Methodist Women attending a spring tea Thursday at High Prairie Church were Bid Sheppard, Marilyn Oxley and Thamar Barnett. Debbie Miller, the speaker, gave an interesting account of a work trip youths of High Prairie took last summer to Mexico. Also attending from this area was Virginia Murphy.
David and Jane Turner visited David Jr. and Tracey Turner and Sydney, and Sheldon Mills of rural McLouth, Sunday afternoon. That evening Thamar Barnett was a supper guest of David and Jane.
Pastor Larry Grove conducts Bible study sessions both Wednesday evenings and Thursday mornings at Jarbalo United Methodist Church. The time Wednesday is from 7 to 8:30 p.m. and Thursday’s time is from 9:30 until 11 a.m. It is an interesting study on Psalms. There is plenty of room for more people at either session.