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Aunt Norie’s Sewing Room

By Eleanor Mckee - | Aug 1, 2007

Mary Frances Krull now 87: “Looking back– Oh how I remember those string-tied purchases wrapped in that brown paper.”

As I read that it took me back to a most embarrassing moment. The fact that I later found out the boss was watching from a balcony overhead, of course, didn’t help matters.

On Christmas break, I’d gotten a job in our local dime store. I will never forget my very first sale — my first string-tied package. This very dignified young housewife, my first sale, bought a special pail. All homes had one, however, no one talked about or showed them.

This pail was white enamel, three- or four-gallon pail with a lid on it.

Yeah that one.

Mary said she called hers the “slop jar.” It was often called “the thunder mug.” For those of you under 40, perhaps it was the “indoor night-time bathroom.”

I was so happy with my new job and the extra money I’d make for Christmas. I had to wrap it securely and tie it with that string. I struggled with all of that paper and string, leaving the handle out for her to carry it with.

However, just as she reached the door to leave the store, it all came undone and she, with that bare-naked pail for all to see, was so embarrassed, but oh so was I.

Another more experienced clerk took over and I was transferred to the handkerchief counter.

Mary has some more recollections for us later.

Thanks, Mary, for sharing some humor with us today, we can always use a good laugh.

Can it really be the first of August, so soon again back to school?

Bye and God bless.

— Aunt Norie can be reached at P.O. Box 265, Tonganoxie 66086 or auntnorie@bdc.net.