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New deck finished; bridge reopens

By Estuardo Garcia - | Aug 1, 2007

Residents on the south side of Tonganoxie looking to get a fast response from emergency vehicles can feel safe for at least the next several years.

On Friday, Meadows Construction crews wrapped up deck-replacement work on the existing Pleasant Street bridge. The emergency repair was spurred after recent inspections revealed the bridge only was able to safely handle a 5-ton weight limit.

“The bridge deck should buy the city five to seven years of use, allowing us time to apply for and get federal money in 2010 to replace the entire bridge including the abutments,” said City Administrator Mike Yanez.

The new reinforced deck does not have a weight limit, allowing any sized vehicle — especially large fire trucks — quick access from the station on Fourth Street to Washington Street. The bridge also will allow school buses a direct route from Fourth Street to the Tonganoxie Middle School.

The cost to repair the bridge has not been totaled, but is expected to be between $33,000 and $35,000.

The bridge was closed to traffic for two weeks while the repairs were taking place.

Yanez also said the Pleasant Street sidewalk was continuing on schedule with work on the retaining walls awaiting completion.

“We hope weather will allow continued construction, and then there would be a better-than-good chance to get it done by the time school starts,” he said.

The first day of classes in Tonganoxie schools is Aug. 15.