Practices to start
Monday will be the first day for fall sports practice at Tonganoxie High. Cross country will be the first team to practice, with a midnight run on the east campus Monday morning. The cross country team’s next practice will be Tuesday at 6 a.m.
The Chieftains football team will start practice at 2:30 p.m. Monday. The volleyball and boys soccer teams will begin practice at 3 p.m.
McLouth High will also start fall practice Monday. The football team will take part in two-a-day practices Monday-Thursday at 6 a.m. and 4 p.m.
The McLouth football team raised $3,860 in its annual lift-a-thon at the school July 28. The money was the most the team raised in five years of holding the lift-a-thon.
Most of the participants were Bulldogs football players, but eight middle school students also participated. It was also the first time in the five years that girls chose to participate.
McLouth football coach Harry Hester said the money would go toward a new tackling sled and an end zone camera. The new tackling sled will be about $1,000, while the camera will cost between $1,500 and $1,800.
“To increase reps, we won’t have to set this new sled up,” Hester said. “It’s a little heavier than what we have now, but the way it reacts to the players is more realistic.”
The sled the Bulldogs have now is about 20 years old.
As for the camera, McLouth already has an elevated tripod in the air, but the end zone camera would add to the film study.
“You can get a better view on what’s going on with the offensive line,” Hester said. “It’d be a good teaching tool to have that for Friday night games.”