Springdale News
Peggy and Ed Gillaspie and Evelyn Schwinn went to Gardner on July 28, to visit Mary Barbara and Earl Allen.
Kyle Schwinn was celebrating his birthday on Thursday July 26. This was his 13th. He will be an eighth grader at Pleasant Ridge Middle School.
Amy Jo Schwinn celebrated her 21st birthday on July 29. She will return to Kansas State University in Manhattan. Both birthday people celebrated their birthdays July 27, at the Jeff Monroe home with a cook out and swimming party for friends and relatives.
Myron Schwinn came Wednesday, Aug. 1, from St. George to take Bret Schwinn home with him for a few days.
The Bill Gritter family of Olathe was attending Springdale Church July 22 and July 29. Bill was the speaker at the worship services. He will be a student at the Nazarene College this semester.
Wayne and Anabel Knapp attended the annual ice cream social and potluck supper July 29 at the United Methodist Church in McLouth. There were 50 people that attended and a movie was shown following the meal.
Jenny Coffin and her sister, Virginia Mills, Wayne and Anabel Knapp attended a country western show on July 29. It was a benefit show free-will offering for the violin players on the show, Marvin and Norma Breedmill, who were in an accident several weeks ago.
It was held at Annie’s Country Jubilee. It was a very nice crowd and a very wonderful show. There was a lot of good talent performing.
Wayne and Anabel Knapp were visitors of Johnny and Mary Lou Trellis west of Springdale Road Monday evening. They saw their beautiful new home.
Megan Lawrence of the Springdale area was one of the students at this year’s Future Business Leaders of America national competition in Chicago.
Recently she placed ninth in the local chapter’s annual business report competition. In total, there were more than 7,000 competitors at the event from all 50 states. Congratulations Megan. There were five other students placing in the top 10 of their respective events from Pleasant Ridge High School of Easton.