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School joins city in holding line on mill levy

By Estuardo Garcia - | Aug 15, 2007

Tonganoxie skate boarders can rejoice as they get one step closer to getting a new skate park.

At Monday night’s City Council meeting, the council unanimously voted to accept the proposed 2008 budget, which increased the mill rate by 1.072 from last year and included $100,00 for the construction of a new skate park.

Before the council’s vote, they opened the floor up for public discussion, limiting the public’s comments to less than five minutes. Only two people came forward to discuss the budget, and the only thing on their minds was the skate park.

Jan Jones, who has come to several council meetings to discuss the skate park read from a speech she had prepared for the council.

“I’ve been to many parks in the surrounding area and other states and these parks almost always have someone using them,” she said. “Area businesses could benefit from the people who come to town to use the park. These kids need a place to ride. Please don’t disappoint them.”

Frank Merrick, who also has a son that likes to skate also spoke up on making sure next year’s budget had money for a skate park.