School board calls another special meeting
The Tonganoxie School Board on Thursday announced it would hold a special meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Tonganoxie Middle School library.
Agenda items include:
- Discussion and action on purchase of USD 464 kitchen equipment.
- Executive session to discuss personnel and attorney client privilege.
- Any other business as a result of executive session.
Next week’s special meeting was announced the morning after a special meeting Wednesday that included two hours in executive session.
During Wednesday’s special meeting, the board also approved an attendance policy at Tonganoxie High School and discussed at length how to properly equip the kitchen at Tonganoxie Elementary School. The kitchen is the final portion of a TES renovation project that started just after Memorial Day.
Present at Wednesday’s special meeting was Donna Whiteman, who is the district’s lawyer. She met with the board during its lengthy executive session, as that meeting also listed “executive session to discuss personnel and attorney client privilege” as an agenda item.
But the only action that was taken was to accept the resignation of transportation director Susie Snapp. She had a short stint as transportation director, as she replaced Shari Curry at the end of the 2006-07 school year.
The special meetings also come a few days after a 911 call was made to the district office. Police were called in last Thursday because of “a disturbance,” according to Tonganoxie police Chief Kenny Carpenter. He said the argument was between Superintendent Richard Erickson and director of operations Jamie Brun.
Carpenter said no complaints were filed, and he was unsure who made the 911 call.