Jarbalo jottings
There was a birthday party to celebrate Madison Smith’s eighth birthday Wednesday evening, Dec. 5, at the home of Jake and Rhiannon Roscoe in Jarbalo. Those attending were Tammy Mooberry, Ronnie Mooberry, Dameta Tullis and Ricky, Connie Barnett, Julia Carter and Shianne and Thamar Barnett.
Elliott’s Unlimited removed the steeple from the church Tuesday so the roof could be repaired. It was back up Wednesday.
The Glory Generation will perform at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 16, at Jarbalo United Methodist Church.
The bell-ringer choir from Gateway of Leavenworth will perform at a meeting of the Tonganoxie Gateway group from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 16, at Jarbalo United Methodist Church.