City Council briefs
Storm Damage
Tonganoxie residents who have downed tree limbs or branches can drop off the debris at County Road 5 and Pleasant Street in the parking lot in front of the gazebo.
City Administrator Mike Yanez said Monday that the site would be used to collect branches from storm damage indefinitely.
“Obviously we were very lucky to dodge the bullet that we had and our crews did a good job,” Yanez said at Wednesday’s meeting.
Council Member Paula Crook said she had received several phone calls about the city streets after the freezing weather hit Tonganoxie the weekend of Dec. 8. She said she had talked to Tonganoxie Mayor Mike Vestal about making sure city crews were clearing the streets in time for residents.
“I noticed that with the ice they had gotten a lot better,” Crook said.
Yanez said that the city usually waits until there is about two inches of snow before city crews clear the streets to avoid damaging the streets by not having enough material to clear.
In other business the council:
¢ Unanimously approved a $5,333 change order for the new Tonganoxie swimming pool. A letter sent by one of the sub contractors stated the soil underneath the new bath and pump house was unusable and had to be excavated until they reached suitable soil. Besides the additional excavation, additional fill material had to be brought to the site.
¢ Paid the third pay request for Prosser Wilbert in the amount o $278,065 for work on the new Tonganoxie swimming pool.
¢ Unanimously voted to renew the cereal malt beverage license for Casey’s Retail Company, B&J Thriftway Inc. for B&J Amoco and B&J Country Mart, and Bitler’s BBQ & Steak LLC.
On Tuesday, Council member Jim Truesdell said at times he has felt like he was inconsistent opposing Sunday liquor sales, but not opposing sales the other six days of the week.
“I’ve always voted for those and always will because they are meeting all of the laws,” Truesdell said about renewing the cereal malt beverage licenses. “They are meeting the requirements. As long as people are meeting current laws I’m not going to object to something like that.”
¢ Unanimously approved a cost of living adjustment of 2.3 percent for city employees, effective Jan. 1, 2008.
¢ Unanimously voted to give all of Christmas Eve off to city employees. Previously city employees were only given a half day of holiday vacation beginning at noon on Christmas Eve.
¢ Unanimously voted to give part-time and volunteer employees for the city a gift certificate to B&J Country Mart for their efforts.
“The people who actually donate time to the city to help us help and are there when we need them, we want to take care of them,” said Kathy Bard, assistant city administrator.
Long term and full-time employees will continue receiving longevity pay for their years of service.
¢ Was reminded by Tonganoxie Mayor Mike Vestal that the Dec. 24 meeting was rescheduled for 7 p.m. Dec. 26 at the council chambers.
¢ Met in executive session for 20 minutes to discuss issues relating to non-elected personnel. No action was taken.