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First coat drive attracts 65 articles

By Eric Sorrentino - | Dec 19, 2007

Eric Sorrentino

Employees from Reece and Nichols held its inaugural coat drive at their Tonganoxie office from 12 to 3 p.m. Saturday. Back row, from left, are Sandy Waller, Janet Shumway, Santa Claus, Carol Wiley and Jim Edmonds. Front row, from left, are Ruby Rorabacher and Linda Hobbs. The drive received about 65 donated coats. Bottom photo: Annabelle Edmonds, 6, Tonganoxie, sits on Santa Claus' lap on Saturday at the Reece & Nichols office in Tonganoxie. Edmonds and her father, John Edmonds, donated three coats to the First Annual Coat Drive.

Reece & Nichols Premier Realty held its inaugural coat drive Saturday at its office in Tonganoxie.

The real estate company received about 65 coats, according to broker Sandy Waller.

“I thought we had a very good turnout for the snow,” Waller said of the approximately two inches of snow that accumulated Saturday. “We said we’re going to continue this every year.”

Reece and Nichols will donate the coats to Good Shepherd Thrift Shop, 304 E. Fourth St. The thrift shop will then find Tonganoxie residents in need of coats for the winter season. All coats will be donated, not sold.

“Everybody feels good if they can donate something,” said John Edmonds, a Tonganoxie resident who donated three coats Saturday. “You always want to help out if you can. With all the power outages, I’m sure there’s a need for them somewhere.”

Eric Sorrentino

The real estate company gave complimentary Christmas treat bags to children who came to the drive. In addition, all children were given the opportunity for a free picture with Santa Claus in front of a Christmas tree.

Reece and Nichols also served refreshments and cookies at the coat drive.

“We wanted to do something to give back to the community,” Waller said. “We think it’s a good community and we thought they’d help us. We were proven right.”