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Jarbalo Jottings

By Thamar Barnett - | Dec 19, 2007

Frances Jeannin was hostess for the Do Nothing Club Saturday, Dec. 8. There was a dinner at noon and there was a gift exchange. Those attending were Kenny and Wanda Jeannin, Jennie Coffin, John and Laurie Cleavinger, Faye Cleavinger and Bob and Boots Cleavinger.

Thamar Barnett cancelled a meeting of the Jaunty Jarbalonians Red Hat group scheduled at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 8.

The dinner and meeting of the Jarbalo United Methodist women was postponed from Wednesday, Dec. 12 until Dec. 19 at 12.30 p.m.

Several in the area have been without power due to the ice storm. Three big limbs fell on the garage here where I live but no damage is visible except for part of the guttering. Steve Fitzwater cut two limbs down, but will need help with the third.

Jean Murry has moved to Leavenworth to the Forest Hills division.

There will be a candlelight Service at 7:30 p.m. Christmas Eve at Jarbalo United Methodist Church.