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Leavenworth County 4H celebrates Achievement Night

By Staff Report - | Dec 19, 2007

2007 Leadership program awards were presented to these youth for exceptional leadership skill development through their 4-H project work and record book. Recipients are, front row, from left, Sadie Johnson, Karisa Garber (junior county winner) and Kenny Campbell, all of Leavenworth; back row, from left, Hannah Davidson of Tonganoxie; Katie Campbell of Leavenworth, Jacob Reynolds of Tonganoxie (senior county winner), Ryan Grammar of Basehor and David Campbell and Matthew Briggs, both of Leavenworth.

The Leavenworth County 4-H program formally celebrates the accomplishments of the young people through an annual awards program. Several awards were recently presented. Here are some highlights:

4-H Club Officer Awards

Top Secretary – Beth Scharinger, Leavenworth.

Top Treasurer – Shilyn Guthrie, Tonganoxie.

Top Reporter – Jenny Whipple of Bonner Springs.

Top club officer awards were given to, front row, from left, reporter Jenny Whipple, Bonner Springs; historian Karisa Garber, Leavenworth; secretary Beth Scharinger, Leavenworth; and treasurer Shilyn Guthrie, Tonganoxie. Back row, from left, Eleanor Heimbaugh of Basehor and Jacob Reynolds, Tonganoxie, were honored with the American Youth Foundation National Leadership Award. Tonganoxie's James Bailey received the Prudential Spirit of Community Award for being named the top high school volunteer of the year.

Top Historian – Karisa Garber of Leavenworth.

4-H Spirit Award Winners

Terry and Karol Lohman Family and Dr. Jerry Theis.

4-H County Camp Counselors

Nicole Allen, Austin Baragary, Erin Drozinski, Jamie Eastburn, Lindsey Ewert, Dane Gonser, Lindsey Gonser, Ryan Grammar, Alex Kissinger, Jason Miles, Ashlee Miller, Arthur Rollins, Kelsey Stahl, Emily Stoker, Kathleen Adams and Carrie Koch.

Four 4-H teen members received the 4-H Key Award this year. The award is reserved for approximately the top 1 percent of the total 4-H membership in Kansas. Pictured, from left, are Sarah Smith of Tonganoxie, Max Packard and Rachel Berry of Leavenworth and Shilyn Guthrie of Tonganoxie. These youth, in addition to Audrey Knapp of Basehor (absent from photo), also received a Leavenworth County 4-H Leadership Scholarship sponsored by the County 4-H Council.

Certificates were sponsored by the Kansas Farm Bureau. Counselor gifts were sponsored by the Leavenworth County 4-H Foundation. Baragary and Gonser received Distinguished Camp Counselor honors and will receive a scholarship to attend advanced leadership training.

4-H Club Purple Seal Award

Bell, Boling, Friendship Valley, Glenwood, Happy Hollow, Livewires, and Reno Bobwhites 4-H clubs.

4-H Safety Club Award

Reno Bobwhites 4-H Club

This award is sponsored by the Leavenworth County Farm Bureau.

Leavenworth County 4-H Leadership Scholarships

Rachel Berry and Max Packard, Leavenworth.

Shilyn Guthrie and Sarah Smith, Tonganoxie.

Audrey Knapp, Basehor.

The county scholarships are given on behalf of the County 4-H Events Council to members who achieve the top leadership achievement level.

4-H Key Awards

Rachel Berry and Max Packard, Leavenworth.

Shilyn Guthrie, Tonganoxie.

Sarah Smith, Tonganoxie.

This award is reserved for approximately the top 1 percent of the total 4-H membership in Kansas.

Frontier Farm Credit has sponsored this prestigious award for more than 40 years.

AYF National Leadership Awards

Jacob Reynolds of Tonganoxie and Eleanor Heimbaugh of Basehor.

The award recognizes young people who are striving to be their personal best and making a positive difference in their school, youth groups, 4-H clubs and communities. Both recipients are eligible to attend the American Youth Foundation National Leadership Conference next summer.

Prudential Spirit of Community Award Kansas Top High School Volunteer of the Year

James Bailey, Tonganoxie. Bailey was selected for this honor among applicants from schools and other youth serving organizations across the state.

Hosts for 4-H Achievement Night were Leavenworth-Lansing Area Chamber of Commerce and K-State Research & Extension, Leavenworth


To learn more about 4-H youth development programs, contact K-State Research & Extension, Leavenworth County at 913-250-2300, or go online, www.oznet.ksu.edu/leavenworth. The office is at 500 Eisenhower Rd. in Leavenworth.