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McLouth happenings

By Beverly Muzzy - | Dec 19, 2007

Little Angels Pre-School will present its Christmas program in the Sanctuary of “Pathway to Life Gospel Church,” at Lucy & Liberty streets, at 6 p.m. Friday. A cookie reception will follow. Everyone is welcome.

¢ Christmas can be a lonely time for some of us. At 7:30 p.m. Friday, the McLouth United Methodist Church will offer a “Blue Christmas” service for those who will be missing someone special at Christmas. Broken relationships, insecurity due to unemployment, illness, isolation, the loss of a child, the loneliness of no longer having a beloved spouse to share each day, the loss of a dear family pet – all these can contribute to the feelings of loneliness and “being blue” in the midst of the society around us, which is geared toward festivities and joyful celebrations around the holiday season.

We need to know that we are not alone. Join in sharing and hearing prayers, music, and Scripture acknowledging God’s presence, reassuring us that God’s Word is for those who mourn and struggle; and that His Word can shine Light into our darkness. This brief service will be followed by refreshments and fellowship, and is open to everyone. Please accept this invitation – a time to move from feeling “blue” to experiencing the wonder and hope of Christmas.

¢ First Baptist Church of McLouth welcomes you to their Celebration Sunday service on Dec. 23, during morning worship at 10:45. The choir will present a “Christmas Highlight Festival” cantata.

¢ Two McLouth church families invite you to join them for Christmas Eve Services on Monday, Dec. 24, to celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ, the Light of the World. Service at First Baptist Church begins at 9 p.m.; United Methodist Church service begins at 10 p.m.

¢ Community “Scrapbooking” Fellowship will be held at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 27, in the basement of McLouth First Baptist Church (weather permitting). Beginners and seasoned scrapbookers are welcome. Bring your photos and share your ideas. Questions? Please call Sheryl Stemmons: (785) 840-4239.

¢ Please submit McLouth Community information, announcements and upcoming events to Beverly Muzzy: mclouthhappenings@isp.com or (913) 796-6935.