Springdale News
Johan and Cora Moses traveled to Eminence, Mo. They left on Thanksgiving to be with Cora’s aunt. They returned home on Tuesday morning, Nov. 28.
Esther and Nathan Gardner, Meva and Gilea Mary, Newton and Samathia had Thanksgiving dinner with Nathan’s folks, Ray and Atlanta Gardner.
Evelyn Schwinn attended the retirement party at Hallmark Cards in Leavenworth on Friday Dec. 7, for her sister, Sharon Lynn. Sharon had worked for Hallmark for 41 years. Other members of the family present were her husband, Melvin, daughter Brenda and her husband Jesse Garvey, and two grandchildren, Sarra and Greg Harvey. The company gave her such an honor.
Because of the bad weather conditions in our area, there was no church at Springdale Friends Church on Sunday Dec. 9. There was also no school on Tuesday, Dec. 11 and Wednesday, Dec. 12. Emily and Luke Cole were spending Dec. 12 with their grandma Evelyn Schwinn.
Peggy Gillaspie and Melissa Kiehl attended the Christmas Tea at the McLouth Methodist Church on Friday, Dec. 7. Gertrude Chrisman of Springdale was one of the hostesses at the tea.