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THS academic team advances to KTWU’s round of 16 teams

By Staff Report - | Dec 19, 2007

Tonganoxie High School is a finalist for the 2007-08 Quest academic competition at Washburn University in Topeka.

The THS Quest team is one of 16 teams that advanced Dec. 1. Tonganoxie also brought home the first-place trophy in the Class 4A classification category. More than 80 teams competed at the event.

Teams earning top 16 status advanced to the finals and will return to Topeka several times for taping sessions. The televised Quest competition will air on KTWU, Sunflower Broadband channel 11, from February through May 2008, when the championship team will be named.

The contest, co-sponsored by KTWU, a PBS station, and Washburn University, allows teams of high school students from across Kansas to compete against one another in answering questions on topics such as art, literature, history, math and science.

THS team members are: juniors Robert Brotherton, Christopher Jordan, Alicia Osborne, Austin Smith, senior Donald Dyster Jr., Kirsten Titterington. The coach is Ron Lewis.