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Remember when: A community review

By Billie Aye - | Dec 25, 2007

10 years ago: Nov. 26, 1997

Turnips by the ton to help needy: With six acres of turnips in the ground, Linwood farmer Richard Brauer Jr., hopes to see some needy people get a few pounds of the late-harvested crop. About 5,000 pounds, to be exact. Mr. Brauer was donating the produce to Harvesters Community Food Network of Kansas City.

A Saturday morning ribbon-cutting near the east end of the 24-40 Highway expansion project kicked off a day of celebration and back patting this weekend. It also put to an end what had become a four-decade project.

Jarbalo Jottings: John and Rita Dickinson are the proud grandparents of a new grandson born to Jay and Pam Dickinson Nov. 17.

Birth: Bryan and Amy Hendrix would like to announce the birth of their son Gage Michael Hendrix, on Nov. 6, 1997.

Deaths: Alva Mae Mills, 100 years old, died Nov. 24, 1997; Marie Josephine Rohl, 88, Tonganoxie, died Nov. 24, 1997, in Torrance, California; Mildred Doreen Scott, 81, Tonganoxie, died Nov. 23, 1997.

25 years ago: Nov. 24, 1982

The new top coat of paint on the Depot is due to the efforts of a young local couple. Gene and Jan Shriner were pictured in front of the Depot in the original printed article. Gene is a local contractor who is a jack-of-all-trades, with experience in painting, plumbing and wiring, to name a few. He and his wife have also spent many hours cutting and fitting glass for the windows of the Depot. With the help of a friend, Frank La Placa, the Shriners installed most of the rebuilt windows at the Depot last Saturday.

Death: John T. (Jake) Rohl, Sr., 74, Tonganoxie, died Nov. 22, 1982.

McLouth News: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scothorne will be the guests of honor at a reception celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. Nov. 28, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the McLouth United Methodist Church. The reception will be hosted by their children.

Jarbalo Jottings: The 50th wedding anniversary celebration for the Rev. and Mrs. Lyle Roe will be from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 5 at the Perry United Methodist Church.

Jarbalo Jottings: Ed and Becky Ingerson are the parents of a girl born Nov. 11. They have named her Karysteen Nicole.

Springdale News: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hudson celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday at the Methodist Church in Jarbalo.

50 years ago: Dec. 12, 1957

Deaths: Mrs. Sarah Miranda Warring, Linwood, died Dec. 9, 1957, at the age of 81 years; Roy Ray Parson, Los Angeles died on Nov. 27, 1957.

Our apologies to our readers and advertisers. Several ads were left out this week because of Christmas advertising. There is also an error in the Western Auto ad – it should read a free windshield SCRAPER – not a free windshield. (The Weekly News Reel.)

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Prince Tylor of Linwood are the parents of a daughter, born Dec. 8, 1957; Mr. and Mrs. George Gillespie are the parents of a son born Dec. 9, 1957.

The Tonganoxie Kiwanis Club will again award prizes for the best decorated homes this Christmas. As usual, the selections will not be made on the basis of money spent but on the individuality and attractiveness of the decorations. First prize will be $15, second prize, $10, and third, $5.

75 years ago: Nov. 17, 1932

Tuesday morning the citizenry woke up to see a blanket of snow on the landscape, and heavy flakes still falling. Total snowfall was around 6 inches, making the first real snow of the winter. This was the earliest snow in recent years here.

The death of Bert G. Voorhees, of St. Joe, Mo., Friday had some local interest by reason of his relationship to Leavenworth County people. He was a brother of Joe and Eph, long known in this county and brother-in-law of Mrs. Ella Voorhees of Tonganoxie. Her small son, Bert, is named for his uncle.

When C. A. Lennerson opened a coal vein on his farm, near U.S. 40, six miles east of Tonganoxie, he seems to have started something, for several other coal mines have been opened lately in that vicinity. Bob Reynolds has opened a vein, north of the Coal Ridge school, a mile north of No. 40. An interesting sidelight is how Coal Ridge school got its name. In digging a well three years ago, they struck a vein of coal, and that is how Coal Ridge got its name.

Glenwood: Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy celebrated their 38th wedding anniversary Sunday evening with a party. About 50 relatives and friends attended.

Boling: Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weber of near Kickapoo announce the birth of a son, Nov. 11. Mrs. Weber was formerly Miss Clara Wacker of this vicinity.

Stanwood: Mr. and Mrs. John Calmon of Woodstock announce the birth of a daughter, to whom they have given the name Kathleen Joan.

Stanwood: Mr. and Mrs. J. Rice announce the birth of a son last week.

Stanwood: The baby son, born to Mr. and Mrs. George McBroom, last Saturday evening, died soon after birth.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Winslow, Kansas City, announce the birth of a son Nov. 14, to whom they have given the name John Morris.

100 years ago: Nov. 28, 1907

The unusual happened in Tonganoxie Saturday night. The store of W. L. McKeehen was entered by a burglar or burglars and about $25 in cash stolen. Of the amount stolen $6 was in pennies. The burglar overlooked $40 that was in a sack. Mr. McKeehen leaves his safe unlocked, but in attempting to open the door the burglar turned on the combination.

Frank Brown shipped in a carload of cotton seed from the south this week.

Je-Nee-Wa Pink Almond brick and Invisible Face Powder is for sale at Mrs. Grace Parney’s. Ask for a sample.

Fred Hawkins, formerly of Tonganoxie, had the misfortune to lose his wife by death last week. The death occurred at their home near Ottawa.

There will be a social given at the Baptist church, Thursday evening, Nov. 30. A full supper will be served, possum and sweet potatoes will be served and other good things. $1 will be hidden and the one finding will be entitled to it. Admission 10 cents.