Governor meets with AG’s staff in wake of Morrison resignation
Gov. Kathleen Sebelius has met with a group of staff members from the Attorney General’s Office to give them a pep talk in the wake of Attorney General Paul Morrison’s sex scandal and resignation.
“She wanted their input about a new leader and wanted to assure them that she had the highest confidence in the capacity and talent that Paul Morrison had assembled during his first year in the office,” Sebelius spokeswoman Nicole Corcoran said.
Sebelius is searching for a replacement for Morrison, who said he will leave office Jan. 31. Morrison has been accused of sexual harassment and ethical misconduct by Linda Carter, who said she had a two-year extramarital affair with Morrison. Carter was director of administration in the Johnson County District Attorney’s Office when Morrison was district attorney.
Morrison, who was elected attorney general in 2006, admitted to having the affair but denied Carter’s other allegations, which are under investigation.
Sebelius has been getting the names of numerous candidates to fill the remaining three years of Morrison’s term.
In the meeting with key staffers, Sebelius said she would urge whoever she picks to keep as many current staff members as possible, Corcoran said.