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County, Leavenworth pony up funds for lab

By Joel Walsh - | Feb 9, 2007

Echoing the recent action of state lawmakers and the Leavenworth City Commission, the Leavenworth County Commission unanimously adopted a draft resolution Thursday declaring its intent to contribute up to $2.5 million if necessary in an attempt to lure the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility, or NBAF, to the area.
The contribution would match an amount agreed upon by the City of Leavenworth and bring the total local contribution to as much as $5 million. It would add to the $35 million to $50 million discussed last week by state officials.
“I think this is the single greatest economic opportunity for the area in recent history,” said Commissioner Clyde Graeber. “(This resolution) is a step in the right direction and one that I fully support.”
Leavenworth City Manager Gary Ortiz stood by the County Commission in supporting an interlocal agreement, which would help provide the necessary infrastructure to facilitate the bio-defense center.
“I agree with the comments made by the commissioners that this cooperative effort is definitely a step in the right direction,” Ortiz said.
For more on this story, pick up The Mirror on Wednesday.