Greenhouse gases underground?
(Harris News Service) House approves greenhouse gas bill: After lengthy debate Thursday, the Kansas House sent the Senate a tax break bill to encourage energy companies to fight global warming by injecting their greenhouse gases underground.
(LJW) Parochial school pushes Spanish: While efforts are under way in the Kansas Legislature to make English the official state language, a Lawrence parochial school is going a different route.
(AP) Car safety measures advanced: Three bills designed to reduce the number of Kansas children who are killed or seriously injured in vehicle accidents won Senate approval Thursday, though the vote was close for two of them.
(Wichita Eagle) Group seeks casino: Representatives from five area counties agreed Thursday to form a coalition to ensure that the area gets a casino if state legislators decide to allow expanded gambling.
(Topeka Capital-Journal) House lowers unemployment tax: The House endorsed a significant reduction Thursday in the state’s unemployment tax and sought removal of a one-week waiting period before a jobless Kansan can apply for relief.
(Topeka Capital-Journal) Senate approves change in filling U.S. Senate vacancy: With today’s deadline looming to get bills out of each chamber of the Legislature, the Senate on Thursday gave tentative approval to a proposal to change how a U.S. Senate vacancy is filled.