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Letter to the editor: ‘Amanda’s Initiative’ offers unique challenge

By Staff | Feb 28, 2007

To the editor:

Just recently I attended the funeral of a friend of mine, Amanda Bixby. I know for all who loved and knew her that she is and will be greatly missed. Her smile, her cheerfulness, her way of letting you know that she cared, and especially her sense of humor, will be missed so much.

As Rev. Dirk Scates shared at Amanda’s service of all that she did at church for her co-workers, friends and family, I could remember time after time that she blessed me and my boys just by loving us. But also as I was listening to Rev. Scates and struggling with the pain of losing someone so young it occurred to me: What if even just five people who were sitting in the service listening would take on the “Amanda Initiative.”

What if even just five of us heard this testimony of a life that cared and left judgment to others would take up the initiative to say no to complacency and with determination decide to do more to love others, do nice things for others, witness to others of God’s love and to say no to judgment?

If even just five of us did that, the life and ministry of Amanda would multiply incredibly and be a force that would continue forever.

When I look back at Amanda’s life and see how much she meant to me and my boys, and the many ways she just loved us, joining the “Amanda Initiative” is the least I can do to honor her life, continue her ministry and be who Jesus Christ has called me to be.

Any chance that you feel challenged to take on the “Amanda Initiative?” If you do, you can e-mail me (pastoralice@rainbowtel.net) and we will help each other.

Thank you Amanda for being someone who cared, someone who loved Jesus and began a work that will continue on in the lives of many.

Alice Purvis,


Letter to the editor: Board right to question

By Staff | Feb 28, 2007

To the editor:

I commend school board member Leana Leslie, and other board members as well, for questioning the purchases made for the school district by Darlyn Hansen and his firm, Micro Resources. It is the job of school board members to provide oversight to the district’s expenditures.

I was a board member in the 1990’s. I am thankful for our current board members and applaud them for surviving the large construction project. I am sure it has not been easy. Board members walk a fine line as they should not micromanage the district; however, they are elected by taxpayers who fund the district and deserve to understand the business of the district.

A school board member should NEVER feel out of line in questioning expenditures. It is their right and duty to do so.

I recognize the fact Dr. Erickson is concerned with trying to save money and I thank him for all his efforts.

I don’t know if there are actual laws or rules governing board members accepting money for work performed for their school district. However, common sense tells me it is a gray area and most likely one to be avoided. Maybe it was a mistake to hire Micro Resources and now is the time for the board and Dr. Erickson to recognize this mistake and correct it.

Kathy Underwood,
