Jarbalo Jottings
Pat and Jeanne Murry and Travis and Alison Brown, Jamie and Allan of Olathe visited Tom and Jean Murry. They all went Dec. 23 to the Legends for barbecue.
There was a large turnout for the candlelight service at Jarbalo United Methodist Church on Dec. 24.
Dinner guests of Bid Sheppard on Christmas Eve were Amy Aufdemberge and Mark Sepoznik of Folsom, Calif., Bob and Sarah Aufdemberge of Auburn, Katy Aufdemberge of Gladstone, Mo., Kathleen Sheppard, Lacey Aufdemberge, Mark and Katie Aufdemberge and Emma, Joel Jr. and Lacey Aufdemberge, Joel Sr. and Theresa Aufdemberge, Larry and Jill Stean, Dominic, Isaac and Ariel, all of Leavenworth.
Earlier Dec. 24, Dan and Judy Schwartz of Truesdale, Mo., visited Bid. On Dec. 25, Joel and Stacey Peiper of Lavon, Texas, visited Bid. Joel is the grandson of Jenny Lowe.
On Dec. 21, Julie Trible of Fort Worth, Texas, visited Bid. The Barnett Christmas dinner and gift exchange was held at the home of Rhiannon Mooberry and Jake Roscoe in Leavenworth. Those attending were Steve and Gail Fitzwater and Josh, VeVe Fitzwater, David and Jane Turner, Jess Barnett, Derek Barnett, Jared Barnett, Connie Barnett, Eric Barnett, Kathy Stimac, Loren and Kersten and Taylor, Tammy Mooberry, Ronnie Mooberry, Daneta Tullis and Ricky, Rhiannon Mooberry, Madison Smith, Blake Anderson, Jake Roscoe and Lindsey, Paul and Lynn Heskett, Kody, Michelle and Isaac, Julia Carter and Shianne and Thamar Barnett.
The Hesketts spent Christmas night with Thamar Barnett. On Dec. 26, they went to Tonganoxie to be with Paul’s family at his brother Kent’s house. They returned to Moran in the evening.