McLouth Happenings
Kelly and Kathleen Crouse announce the birth of a son, Trevor Jacques Crouse, on Dec. 11, 2006, at Davis Hospital in Layton, Utah. “T.J.” weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces, and was 22 1/2 inches long. His big sister, Jenna, thinks he is the cutest baby she has ever seen. Grandparents are Dan and Kitty Crouse, McLouth, and Jack and Majoria Facette, Quebec, Canada.
Approximately 40 people enjoyed McLouth Friendship Senior Citizens Club’s luncheon, hosted by Alfreda Ryan and Viola Edmonds, on Dec. 18, at the Community Center. In lieu of their customary gift exchange, those attending brought non-perishable food, amounting to over $100, which was delivered to the McLouth food pantry, located at the McLouth Church of the Nazarene.
On Dec. 22, Rick and Beverly Muzzy; and Bob and Alfreda Ryan joined with the Tonganoxie Evangelical Friends Church’s country gospel group “Just Friends,” playing and singing Christmas carols with the residents of the Tonganoxie Nursing Center. They enjoyed a nice visit with Lela Grace Lobb.
Viola Edmonds spent Christmas Eve and Christmas with her daughter and husband, Linda and Mike Love, at their home in Mayetta.
Bob and Alfreda Ryan hosted their annual Christmas Eve family dinner for their two daughters and their husbands, four grandchildren and one granddaughter-in-law, and three great-grandchildren. On Christmas Day, Bob and Alfreda visited Alfreda’s sister, “Dutch” Stockwell, and niece, Carol Parret and family, at their home in Hoyt.
“Friends of McLouth Library” cookbooks are available for $10 at The McLouth Library, Studio Too, Gambino’s Pizza, and Bartlett’s Fried Chicken restaurant.
McLouth PTO will meet at 7 p.m. Jan. 9 in the High School home economics room. Free babysitting is provided.
A Community Scrapbooking Fellowship will be at 6 p.m. Jan. 9 in the basement of McLouth First Baptist Church. Beginners and seasoned scrapbookers are welcome. Bring photos and share your ideas. Childcare is available. Regular meetings will be held the second Tuesday and the last Thursday evenings of every month, weather permitting. For information, call Sheryl Stemmons, (785) 840-4239.
American Legion Auxiliary 393 will have its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Jan. 9 at Alfreda Ryan’s home. New members are welcome. For information, call (913) 796-6525.
A new season is beginning for “Celebrate Recovery” at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 11 in the basement of McLouth Church of the Nazarene. This Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program is for everyone struggling with hurts, hang-ups, addictive behaviors, and recovering from drugs, alcohol, gambling, eating disorders, etc. For more information call (913) 796-6935 or (913) 796-6290.
— Please submit McLouth Community information, announcements, and upcoming events to Beverly Muzzy: or (913) 796-6935.