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Remember When: A community review

By Billie Aye - | Jan 3, 2007

10 years ago: Dec. 4, 1996

Army Pvt. Matthew J. Brushwood has begun basic infantry training at Fort Benning, Columbus, Ga. Brushwood is the son of Carl and Rossetta Brushwood, Easton. The private is a 1996 graduate of Tonganoxie High School.

November 23 was Agnes and Howard Kissinger’s 60th wedding anniversary. To help them celebrate, they were taken to Mrs. Peter’s for dinner.

Mrs. Mildred Sparks will celebrate her 80th birthday on Dec. 8 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Lasher, Hutchinson, announce the birth of a son, Alex Todd, born Nov. 20, 1996. Joe and Becky Carey of Tonganoxie, announce the birth of a daughter, Meghan Danielle, Nov. 6, 1996.

Ed and Virginia White, Leavenworth, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary from 1-5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8, 1996, at the Lansing Community Center, Lansing City Hall.

This must be the eighth or ninth year that Bitler’s BBQ has been sending out Thanksgiving dinners to the shut-ins around Tonganoxie, Basehor and Linwood. This is the real meaning of the true Thanksgiving. Sixty meals were sent out this year. These were delivered by Mr. Frank Rice (and his wife, Elvira) and Mrs. Marie Hallenbeck, drivers for the nutrition site, using their own vehicles.

Deaths: Ruth Sandford Grube, 81, Basehor, died Nov. 30, 1996. G. E. (Duke) Sween, 76, Bonner Springs, died Dec. 1, 1996.

25 years ago: Dec. 2, 1981

Greg McMillen, the 5-year-old son of Mike and Karen McMillen, has had many red banner days in his young life — adoption by the McMillens, coming to the U.S., and his first Christmas, but perhaps none as significant as Oct. 29, 1981. On that day, Greg did what some other people only dream about: He became a citizen of the United States. His sojourn to the United States from Korea started when the McMillens decided to adopt a Korean orphan through the Family and Children’s Services of Kansas City, Mo. One souvenir of the naturalization proceeding Greg received was a poem about the American flag, written by James B. DeMasters of Kansas City, Kan., and entered in the Congressional Record on Jan. 10, 1963.

Birth: Mr. and Mrs. (Ann) John Anderson announce the birth of a son, Noah Wade, born Oct. 18, 1981.

Deaths: Mr. Herbert Bliss, age 47, Dallas, Texas, died Nov. 29, 1981. Graveside funeral services for Leo P. Zimmerman, St. Joseph, Mo., 71, formerly of Springdale, were held Tuesday in the Friends Cemetery, Springdale. Viola M. Trackwell, 82, Leavenworth, died Friday at her home. Mrs. Elizabeth N. (Bessie) Schenck, Tonganoxie, passed away Nov. 25, 1981, age 95 years.

A party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gregory’s 25th wedding anniversary. A dinner of salad and sandwiches was followed by cake and ice cream and the opening of gifts from friends and relatives.

50 years ago: Dec. 20, 1956

Deaths: Harry Joseph Lange, a former resident of Tonganoxie, died at Kent, Wash., Dec. 13, 1956. A.J. “Jack” Higgins, 77, of Jarbalo, a retired farmer and stockman, died Saturday.

Work has started on the old Zoellner Hardware building. Fred Zoellner, the new owner, has tentative plans to put the building in good repair and subdivide it into two or three separate stores.

Smoky Hill Air Base near Salina is to be re-named in honor of Col. David C. Schilling, a former Leavenworth man and World War II aviator. Colonel Schilling was sixth ranking U.S. ace during the war. He was killed in an automobile accident in England last summer. (Col. Schilling was a cousin of the late Helen Schilling, of Tonganoxie.)

The Jefferson County Hospital at Winchester has received an original oil painting by the famous artist, John Steuart Curry, a former Jefferson County boy. Mr. Curry’s widow, Kathleen Curry, of West Newbury, Mass., presented the gift in a letter to the hospital board. The painting, “The Buttes,” is a Kansas subject, being painted about 1931, in south central Kansas. It depicts the cattle grazing land.

Basehor: Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Oroke attended the funeral services for Mrs. Oroke’s grandmother at Ozawkie, Kansas, on Wednesday of last week.

Pfc. Paul Fales Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fales, is home on a 15-day furlough. He is a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborn Division stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C.

75 years ago: Nov. 26, 1931

Amos McLouth, 91, a pioneer of this section, founder of the town of McLouth, 12 miles northwest of Tonganoxie, passed away on Monday at the soldiers’ home where he had lived the past year or so. Amos McLouth was born up in Michigan in 1838, served in the civil war. In 1868 he came to Kansas, bought land where the present town of McLouth is from the Union Pacific at $3 an acre.

Noah DeLude, aged 62, who for three years operated a pool room known as “Noah’s Ark,” on Fourth Street in Tonganoxie, passed away early last Saturday morning at his home in Tonganoxie. Burial was in Tonganoxie cemetery on Hubbel Hill.

Coleridge school was closed several days the first of this week as pupils were unable to reach the school house due to the high waters of Stranger creek.

Hoge News: Mr. and Mrs. Henry McGraw are the parents of a daughter, born Nov. 11. They have given her the name Rosemond.

Mr. and Mrs. Preston Hale, of Leavenworth, have returned from Bazaar, Kan., where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Hale’s father, C.D. Yeager. Mr. Yeager was 63 years old.

The chief entertainment Monday was going out to Stranger, watching the high waters. The outlook was not so promising at first, but with clearing skies Tuesday any great danger was averted.

100 years ago: Dec. 6, 1906

Mrs. Will Brock died of consumption at her home near Jarbalo last Friday. The deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Attison Cox and was about 23 years of age.

The Ladies Aid Society of the Congregational Church will serve a 10-cent tea at Peterson’s Restaurant, Thursday afternoon, Dec. 13.

Only 16 more shopping days until Christmas. To save time and worry just visit the Ladies Aid Fair, at Reno, Friday evening, Dec. 7, where the fancy work booth will have handkerchiefs from every state in the union, and last and most pleasing of all, the “mysterious palace,” also a fine supper. Don’t fail to take these all in.

Mrs. Caleb Hoskins is spending a few weeks with her parents in Oklahoma.

A bank is being organized to do business in Jarbalo. The principal stockholder will be an Atchison man. Dr. Wood, of Jarbalo, will be president and Roy Mains, of Oskaloosa, will be cashier.

Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Needham, of Leavenworth, spent Thanksgiving with Miss Carrie Needham.