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First baby of new year arrives just a bit early

By Lara Hastings - | Jan 10, 2007

Ashley Mikijanis and her husband, Brant Daniels, knew they wanted to give their son a name that was unique.

But they didn’t expect their son to have such a unique birthday.

Makade Eugene Daniels was born at 1:11:11 a.m., Jan. 1, 2007, at Providence Medical Center in Kansas City, Kan. He was the first baby born in 2007 in the area.

“He was four weeks early,” said Mikijanis, a McLouth resident.

A registered nurse at Providence, Mikijanis worked her usual 12-hour nightshifts during the majority of her pregnancy. But, during a routine doctor visit on Dec. 19, Mikijanis’ 24th birthday, she was given medication to stop contractions and put on bed rest. A trip back to the hospital on Christmas turned out to be a false alarm. Then, Mikijanis’ water broke on Dec. 29.

“We were a little bit worried because he was still considered a premie,” she said. “But he was fine.”

Mikijanis’ husband, Brant, her mother, Barbara, her mother-in-law, Charlotte, and her identical twin sister, Aubrey, who also is a nurse at Providence, were all in the delivery room when the 5-pound, 10.5-ounce baby boy was born. Brant was in charge of cutting the umbilical cord.

“He’s beautiful,” Barbara said. “He’s a sweet little guy. He came out bright and alert.”

Right now, Mikijanis’ said she’s enjoying getting to know her new son. Mikijanis and Barbara both agree that his disposition is happy and mellow.

“I got a good one,” Mikijanis said. “I got lucky. The only time he cries is when he gets a bath or when he’s hungry. He makes a lot of little noises and he looks just like his dad.”

Brant, 31, owns Daniels Excavating and Mikijanis said he is looking forward to father and son activities such as introducing him to all the big excavating machinery and going boating.

“He’s excited because he gets to do the whole four-wheeling thing,” Mikijanis said laughing. “He’s already looked at mini four-wheelers.”

She, along with Makade, are also enjoying the new nursery, which Mikijanis said was one of her favorite parts of preparing for her baby. Makade’s great-grandmother painted a large mural on all four walls of the safari-themed room.

“It’s pretty elaborate for a little baby,” Mikijanis said.

The new mom will head back to work after 12 weeks of maternity leave and said she will probably rely on the grandparents to help care for Makade while she juggles him and work. Barbara said she is excited to spoil her first grandchild and knows that Mikijanis will pass the new mom test with flying colors.

“She’s going to be a wonderful mom,” Barbara said. “She’s a wonderful and caring person and it shows with her baby and with her profession. She’s got a good heart.”

While it is most important that Makade is happy and healthy, Barbara said, it was fun for the family to have a New Year’s baby.

“That was so exciting — a New Year’s baby. What an honor. A special day for a special little guy.”

Makade’s grandparents are John R. and Charlotte Daniels, McLouth, and Bill and Barb Mikijanis, Tonganoxie. And his great-grandparents are Eugene and Cynthia Schultz, Tonganoxie, Warren and Leota Daniels, McLouth, Diane Mikijanis, Tonganoxie, Bill and Karen Mikijanis, McLouth, and Dan and Emma Samek, Topeka.