Editorial: Candidates needed for three city posts
It doesn’t appear anyone’s knocking down the doors at city hall to file for city council or mayor.
And that’s too bad.
So far, only one person — Mayor Dave Taylor — has filed for the upcoming election. The deadline to file is noon next Tuesday, and candidates may file at city hall or in the county clerk’s office at the Leavenworth County Courthouse in Leavenworth.
Taylor’s seat is up for grabs, and he’s obviously interested in retaining it.
Two council seats also are open — those held by Velda Roberts and Ron Cranor.
Roberts says she’ll run again, while Cranor is worried about the amount of time he can commit to the city council post. He’s now employed full time, which he wasn’t when he, Roberts and Taylor joined city government four years ago.
It’s unfortunate that more people haven’t filed for elected city offices.
Many people believe the city will see some last-minute candidates, and they would be welcome, as long as they have all citizens’ best interests in mind and aren’t running with a hidden agenda.
The city of Tonganoxie needs bright, committed and interested city officials. If you think you fit that description, consider running for office.