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Bill would require vaccine for Kansas girls

By Staff | Jan 22, 2007

Here are today’s headlines from Kansas government:

(Harris News Service) Lawmakers seek to add HPV vaccine to state list: A bipartisan group of House members wants to add a new cancer-preventing vaccine for girls to the list of shots required for school entry in Kansas. Their bill calls for inoculation of girls by age 9 to prevent the human papillomavirus, commonly known as HPV, which causes cervical cancer.

(Topeka Capital-Journal) Lawmaker steadfast about busing: Bill Otto has no intention of walking 2.5 miles to work at the Capitol every day and thinks it is crazy to expect kids to walk that far to school. So Rep. Otto, R-Leroy, is hoping lawmakers will see fit this year to pass legislation that would give a free bus ride to children who live one mile or farther from school. That state-funded privilege currently is reserved for those living at least 2.5 miles from school.

(LJW) Experts: Immigration laws not a solution: Several experts told legislators last week that federal immigration law was unfair, confusing and that and state attempts to address it often are misguided.
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(LJW) Lawmakers to consider bill for building new nuclear plant: As the state tries to chart an energy course, Kansas lawmakers will consider a measure aimed at providing incentives to build a nuclear power plant.

(Wichita Eagle) Tax cuts are in the works: Gov. Kathleen Sebelius wants more than $12 million in tax breaks for next year. But that isn’t enough for Republican lawmakers. They began work last week on more than $60 million in tax cuts for businesses and seniors.

(Harris News Service) Capitol Notebook: Week Two: Some lawmakers don’t want Kansans besieged during the next election cycle by unwanted automated phone calls with recorded political messages. As part of their agenda for campaign finance reform, House Democrats announced this past week they’ll seek legislation to prohibit political “robo calls” to citizens who’ve already added their names to the National Do-Not-Call Registry

(Harris News Service) Air Force experiences influence leader’s outlook: Prior to being a veteran Republican lawmaker, Senate President Steve Morris was simply a veteran. Before becoming the Senate’s top leader in 2005, the Hugoton farmer had served in the Legislature for more than a decade. But Morris, 61, like several others in the 2007 Legislature, has also had much of his life revolve around service in a branch of the armed forces. For five years, from 1969 to 1974, Morris served as an active duty pilot for the U.S. Air Force, flying reconnaissance and mid-air refueling missions based out of Thailand, he said

(Harris News Service) Law’s backer fear city restrictions could clash with concealed-carry law: The state law permitting license holders to carry concealed handguns includes a provision preventing cities and counties from regulating, restricting or prohibiting the practice within their jurisdictions. In recent weeks, though, some cities around the state, including Hutchinson, have done exactly that, adopting the law as a city ordinance and adding their own restrictions to it.