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City council briefs: Discussions continue on two sidewalks

By Caroline Trowbridge - | Jan 24, 2007

Discussions continue on two sidewalks

City Administrator Mike Yanez told council members Monday that the price tag for a sidewalk in front of the new Tonganoxie Middle School would be $100,000.

Yanez said he’s reported that to school officials, to see if they want to kick in funding for that sidewalk and a planned sidewalk on Pleasant Street between Fourth and Washington streets. Council members questioned whether any sidewalk should be constructed in front of the school, between Pleasant and East streets because they said it’s unlikely students would use it.

The city is trying to determine how much — if any — money Pleasant Street residents should contribute to the sidewalk on their street, which is estimated to cost about $200,000.

City agrees to market 50 acres near river

City council members agreed to list about 50 acres the city owns west of Linwood along the Kansas River with Tonganoxie Realtor J.W. Evans for $6,000 an acre.

Evans said he has a client who is interested in accumulating 100 acres in that area.

The city purchased the land in January 2001 for $6,000 an acre, in hopes of establishing a water-well field. After study, the city determined it would have to spend about $8 million to move water from the site to Tonganoxie, so it was deemed not feasible. The land has been leased to an area farmer. In 2000, the land that the city paid $300,000 for was appraised at $100,000. Evans will have a six-month contract with the city.

“I’ll list it for that ($6,000 an acre),” Evans told council members Monday. “But I’ll tell you right now I’m not going to be bringing it back in at $6,000 an acre.”

Mayor to help find skate park site

Discussions continued Monday night on a skate park for city youths.

Lloyd Hale and Bill Jones asked council members and city officials for clarification on the status of the skate park.

Mayor Dave Taylor volunteered to work with the two men to find some possible locations for a park.

City council members and City Administrator Mike Yanez said that once a site was determined, the city should work with park supporters to determine the size of the park and develop cost estimates.

The city council then could take action on whether to construct a park. Neither the city nor the Tonganoxie Recreation Commission has funds budgeted this year for a park, officials said.

Park supporters have been working to secure commitments for donations.

In other matters, the council:

  • Heard from Yanez that the city’s request from the Kansas Department of Transportation for funding to upgrade County Road 1 was not approved. If it had made the cut, the money would have been available in 2010. “I am extremely disappointed that most of these are turn lanes and road overlays,” he said of projects that KDOT approved.
  • Heard from Yanez that the council’s next meeting, on Feb. 12, will include these issues: A street and sidewalk project on East Fourth Street; a contract for financing and design for a new public works building, which the city has budgeted for in 2007, to be constructed near the sewage treatment plant; and right-turn lanes at U.S. Highway 24-40 and Main Street, Laming Road and 12th Street.
  • Approved a special-use permit for an in-home day care at 406 E. Sixth and returned to the planning commission for clarification of a change in zoning ordinances pertaining to landscaping and fences.
  • Met for 10 minutes in executive session with Yanez and city attorney Mike Kelly to discuss a matter of attorney-client privilege.