Letters to the editor: How the city spends money
To the editor:
It’s funny that the homeowners should have to pay for sidewalks on Pleasant Street.
If the Tonganoxie City Council would consider the wishes of the taxpayers when making their decisions about how to spend our tax dollars, maybe the homeowners would not have to spend money on sidewalks.
Instead our city council would rather spend our tax dollars on a road that does not even connect to our city, and a lawsuit against the taxpayers who signed the petition for the city to give money towards County Road 1 to be put to a vote.
Maybe if we were to take all the money that the city council is willing to throw away on roads that do not connect to the city, we would have enough money to place sidewalks on Pleasant Street, Church Street and even Washington Street.
If the city council is concerned about the safety of the children in this city, then when will they pay for sidewalks?
Jonathan Boone,
Letters to the editor: Respect for our flag
To the editor:
Respect and disrespect are taught, usually by example.
That respect or disrespect that we teach our kids today will be pointed toward us as they grow up.
I am proud to be an American! I am proud to be a part of the city of Tonganoxie.
But, I am not proud of the disrespect shown to our flag. As Ittend various sporting events and the national anthem is being played I see many parents, teachers and others just standing with hands behind their backs, not even looking at the flag.
If you have a problem with the flag and the freedom for which it stands, then have the decency to leave the building or the field and come back when it is over.
Thousands have given their lives so you can have that right.
I am proud to be an American, a Tonganoxian and respecter of our grand old flag.
May it wave in freedom forever.
Jim Melrose,
Letters to the editor: Community makes difference
To the editor:
My letter to you last month brought good results.
So many in our community wrote letters and signed petitions to keep William McColl in prison. He murdered my sister, Ruby Peer, on Aug. 1, 1991.
It will be three more years until he will have another parole hearing.
Thanks to each and every one of you for your help. We couldn’t have done it without you.
Sue Nible,