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Bill would allow cities to ban sex offenders

By Staff | Jan 31, 2007

(KTKA) Judiciary Committee reviews offender addendum: A bill is being discussed at the Statehouse that would allow cities and towns across Kansas to kick out sex offenders.The bill would give legal power back to the municipalities so they can make those decisions for themselves. Although the language referred to any offenders, sex offenders were the main concern for those testifying.

(LJW) Ban on death penalty filed: Death penalty opponents Tuesday introduced legislation that would do away with capital punishment in Kansas after a former death row inmate talked about how he was almost killed by a broken judicial system.

(LJW) Smoking ban remains in committee: A proposed statewide ban on smoking in most indoor workplaces is smoldering in a Senate committee.

(Wichita Eagle) Lunch bill gains approval: For Kansas state employees, there might soon be such a thing as a free lunch, or dinner, or breakfast — perhaps even the occasional brunch. The House of Representatives on Tuesday approved a measure that would allow state workers to accept meals worth $25 or less when working on state business.

(Garden City Telegram) Lawmakers eye expanding early voting: Proposals moving through the Legislature this session could increase the options available for voters wanting to cast early ballots in

future elections.

(Wichita Eagle) Legislators angered over deficiencies at Larned: Under sometimes intense questioning from legislators, officials of the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services on Tuesday defended the way they run Larned State Hospital.

(LJW) Sebelius to unveil deferred maintenance plan: Could turnpike tolls be used to pay for repairs at public universities? Gov. Kathleen Sebelius today will release her long-awaited plan to fund a backlog of maintenance projects at Kansas Board of Regents universities, and some lawmakers think the proposal may rely on an increase in Kansas Turnpike tolls.

(Topkea Capital-Journal) Bill would help residents in contaminated

town: Rep. Doug Gatewood confessed Tuesday to weeping after his first visit to the contaminated, unstable and inhospitable town of Treece in southeast Kansas.The folks in this impoverished community, none of whom have a college education, live in an environmental quagmire produced by decades of lead and zinc mining. Gatewood said his bill offers these Kansans hope. It would set aside $680,000 to match about

$6.1 million in federal funding to buy out property owners in Treece.

(Hutchinson News) Wine industry boosts tourism: A Statehouse committee room table held various bottles of Kansas wines Tuesday as legislators heard that the state’s vineyards and wineries continue to multiply.