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Give us a break from campaigning

By Staff | Jan 31, 2007

Those tired of never-ending political campaigns won’t get a break in Kansas’ 2nd Congressional District.
Former U.S. Rep. Jim Ryun, a Republican who was unseated after five terms in office by Democratic challenger Nancy Boyda, evidently will try to win back the 2nd District seat in 2008. The district includes Leavenworth County.
This past weekend, Ryun told supporters at the GOP’s annual Kansas Day events in Topeka he was planning to challenge Boyda in the next election. The news comes less than three months after Ryun’s defeat and 22 months before Election Day 2008.
Already, just days into the first session of the 110th Congress, Ryun has penned an op-ed piece to newspapers in the district bemoaning how the new Democratic majority pushed through the House a series of legislation during its first 100 hours in power.
We don’t hold it against Ryun for wanting back his old job and maneuvering for another run for office. In fact, Boyda used a similar tactic after she lost to Ryun in the 2004 election.
What we do find uncomforting is the endless cycle of political one-upsmanship and continual second-guessing. There used to be talk of a “honeymoon” for the recently elected or re-elected; a time when they could begin to deliver promises made to their constituents during the campaign.
The spoils of victory these days brings only the yoke of turning around and facing an all-too-soon re-election.
Election Day no longer signals the end of a hard-fought political race. For voters weary of the constant din of a political campaign, it merely heralds the beginning of a new election season.