Letter to the editor: More skate park support
To the editor:
I am an eighth-grade student at Tonganoxie Middle School. I think we should get a skateboard/BMX park because we as skaters have no place to ride.
People have been complaining about us riding in the street and the storeowners have been complaining about us skating on their stairs or on the sidewalk.
I get tired of people hassling us and having to worry about getting chased out of a place. One of the worst things is always having to run away from the police and getting a ticket. If we had a skate park, the police could concentrate on more serious issues.
As skaters we want a place where we can skate and hang out with our friends without having to worry about getting asked to leave, or getting in trouble, or worse yet, getting a ticket.
We already have football fields with tracks, soccer fields, sand volleyball pits that are rarely used, and a walking trail.
If a skate park would be built, we would definitely use it, and I bet half the complaints will go down. WE REALL Y NEED A PLACE TO RIDE!!
Jesse West,