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The Mirror selected as official paper

By John Taylor - | Jan 31, 2007

The Mirror will remain the official newspaper of Leavenworth County.

County commissioners on Monday voted unanimously to award publication of the county’s legal advertising to The Mirror.

The Mirror submitted the low bid of $2.92 per column inch for the right to publish the county’s legal notices and to be called the “official newspaper of Leavenworth County.”

The only other publication under consideration was the Leavenworth Times, which bid $4.40 per column inch.

Commissioner Clyde Graeber told commissioners he believed there was an advantage for a county to have a daily paper that was printed in the county seat as the official newspaper.

“To me, that is worth something more,” he said.

But the difference in price between The Mirror and the Times was noticeable.

Based on the per-column-inch prices, the county in 2007 would be looking at spending about $19,466 if it accepted The Mirror’s bid, versus $29,333 if it accepted the Times’ bid, County Counselor David Van Parys told commissioners.

Treasurer Janice Young said her office saved about $7,000 last year when her office published its annual delinquent tax list compared to 2005. The Mirror was the official newspaper in 2006 and charged $3.05 per column inch. In 2005, the Times was the official newspaper and charged $4.40 per column inch.

“We’re getting the service from The Mirror at a heck of a lot less money,” Keyta Kelly, county counselor at large, told commissioners.